Technical Reference for ZyXEL series

HDLC Transmit Under-run : 0

Refer to the following table for a description of the Output Parameters of the Link Status Report.





Link Status Report (ATI3) Output Parameters



Output Parameter



Output Value Description


Connect DTE Speed


Current on-line DTE speed.







Error Control Level



Error control protocol used for current session.







Protocol Link Speed



Current on-line DCE speed, line speed.






Octets Received


Number of data octets received from remote.






Octets Sent


Number of data octets sent to remote.








Verbose disconnection reason for the last session.






Cause Value


Numerical disconnection reason for the last session.










Errors in frame (block) checksum.





(If there are many FCS Errors, you may be experiencing problems on the line.)






HDLC Transmit Under-run


For TA's processor power measurement.






HDLC Receive Over-run


For TA's processor power measurement.








Table 69. Link Status Report (ATI3) Output Parameters
