Chapter 9 Wireless LAN

Figure 73 Start OTIST?

2If an OTIST-enabled wireless device loses its wireless connection for more than ten seconds, it will search for an OTIST-enabled AP for up to one minute. (If you manually have the wireless device search for an OTIST-enabled AP, there is no timeout; click Cancel in the OTIST progress screen to stop the search.)

3After the wireless device finds an OTIST-enabled AP, you must click Start in the ZyXEL Device’s Network > Wireless LAN > OTIST screen or hold in the Reset button on the ZyXEL Device for one or two seconds to transfer the settings again.

4If you change the SSID or the keys on the ZyXEL Devices after using OTIST, you need to run OTIST again or enter them manually in the wireless device(s).

5If you configure OTIST to generate a WPA-PSK key, this key changes each time you run OTIST. Therefore, if a new wireless device joins your wireless network, you need to run OTIST on the AP and ALL wireless devices again.

9.7MAC Filter

Use this screen to change your ZyXEL Device’s MAC filter settings. Click Network > Wireless LAN > MAC Filter. The screen appears as shown.



P-2602H(W)(L)-DxA User’s Guide