Bandwidth Management

This chapter contains information about configuring bandwidth management, editing rules and viewing the ZyXEL Device’s bandwidth management logs.

21.1 Bandwidth Management Overview

ZyXEL’s Bandwidth Management allows you to specify bandwidth management rules based on application. You can allocate specific amounts of bandwidth capacity (bandwidth budgets) to different bandwidth rules.

The ZyXEL Device applies bandwidth management to traffic that it forwards out through an interface. The ZyXEL Device does not control the bandwidth of traffic that comes into an interface.

Bandwidth management applies to all traffic flowing out of the router, regardless of the traffic's source.

Traffic redirect or IP alias may cause LAN-to-LAN traffic to pass through the ZyXEL Device and be managed by bandwidth management.

21.2 Application-based Bandwidth Management

You can create bandwidth classes based on individual applications (like Web, FTP and E- mail, for example).

21.3 Auto Classifier

Automatic Traffic Classifier (ATC) is a bandwidth management tool that prioritizes data packets sent across the network. ATC assigns each packet a priority and then queues the packet accordingly. Packets assigned a high priority are processed more quickly than those with low priority if there is congestion, allowing time-sensitive applications to flow more smoothly. Time-sensitive applications include both those that require a low level of latency (delay) and a low level of jitter (variations in delay) such as Voice over IP or Internet gaming, and those for which jitter alone is a problem such as Internet radio or streaming video.



P-2602H(W)(L)-DxA User’s Guide