Chapter 7 WAN Setup

7.5 Internet Access Setup

Use this screen to change your ZyXEL Device’s WAN remote node settings. Click Network > WAN > Internet Access Setup. The screen differs by the encapsulation you select.

See Section 7.1 on page 93 for more information.

Figure 48 Internet Access Setup (PPPoE)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 22 Internet Access Setup








Select Routing (default) from the drop-down list box if your ISP allows multiple


computers to share an Internet account. Otherwise select Bridge.


Select the method of encapsulation used by your ISP from the drop-down list


box. Choices vary depending on the mode you select in the Mode field.


If you select Bridge in the Mode field, select either PPPoA or RFC 1483.


If you select Routing in the Mode field, select PPPoA, RFC 1483, ENET



User Name

(PPPoA and PPPoE encapsulation only) Enter the user name exactly as your


ISP assigned. If assigned a name in the form user@domain where domain


identifies a service name, then enter both components exactly as given.




(PPPoA and PPPoE encapsulation only) Enter the password associated with the


user name above.



Service Name

(PPPoE only) Type the name of your PPPoE service here.





P-2602H(W)(L)-DxA User’s Guide