
RADIUS message types 412 RADIUS messages 412 Reach-Extended ADSL 374 Real time Transport Protocol 152 real-time e-mail alerts 375 recurity ramifications 208 region 376

registration product 451

reinitialize the ADSL line 359 related documentation 3 remote hosts, and certificates 278 remote management and NAT 304 remote management limitations 304 REN 377

reports and logs 375 reset button 45 resetting your device 45 restore 349

restore configuration 354 RF (Radio Frequency) 379 RFC 1483 94, 374

RFC 1631 137 RFC 1889 152, 378 RFC 1890 378 RFC 2327 378 RFC 2364 374 RFC 2516 373, 374 RFC 2684 374 RFC 3261 378

Ringer Equivalence Number 377 ringing 376

RIP 108 direction 108

Routing Information Protocol see RIP

version 108 romfile 345 RTCP 378 RTP 152, 378

RTS (Request To Send) 410 RTS threshold 409, 410

rules 210 checklist 208 key fields 209 LAN to WAN 210 logic 208


SA 231

safety warnings 6 saving the state 200 SDP 378

seamless rate adaptation 374 secure gateway address 238


and certificates 263 security association 231 security in general 204 Security Parameter Index 254 security parameters 415 server 139, 140, 330 service 209

Service Set 122 service type 217 services 142

Session Description Protocol 378 Session Initiating Protocol 378 Session Initiation Protocol 149 setup 192

silence suppression 160, 377 Single User Account (SUA) 41 SIP 149

SIP account 149 SIP accounts 377 SIP ALG 148, 378

SIP ALG passthrough 375

SIP Application Layer Gateway 148, 378 SIP authentication password 73

SIP authentication user ID 73 SIP call progression 150 SIP client 150

SIP identities 149

SIP INVITE request 150 SIP number 73, 149 SIP proxy server 151 SIP redirect server 151 SIP register server 152 SIP server address 73 SIP servers 150

SIP service domain 73, 150 SIP URI 149

SIP user agent 150 SIP version 2 378 SMTP error messages 334 smurf 199



P-2602H(W)(L)-DxA User’s Guide