P-661H/HW Series User’s Guide

Figure 106 General TMSS Settings

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 68 General TMSS Settings





TMSS & Parental Control




Enable Trend Micro

Select the check box to enable Trend Micro Security Services on your

Security Services

ZyXEL Device.

Enable Parental Controls

Select the check box to enable this feature on your ZyXEL Device.



Security Services Display




Automatically display

Select from the drop-down list box how often the TMSS web page appears

TMSS Web page every:

in your web browser.

Check for Trend Micro Internet Security



Automatically check for

Select the check box to have the ZyXEL Device download the latest scan

update components

engine and virus pattern version numbers (not the actual software) from


the Trend Micro web site. The ZyXEL Device can then compare version


numbers currently on ZyXEL Device LAN computers with its latest


downloaded version numbers and display the status in the table below.

Check for update

Select how often the ZyXEL Device should automatically check the Trend

components every

Micro Active Update server for updated components. Choose more


frequent checking if there are many current virus threats or less frequent


checking if there aren’t and you have a lot of Internet traffic.

Scan engine

This field displays the latest TMSS anti-virus scan engine version number


that the ZyXEL Device has downloaded.

Virus pattern

This field displays the latest TMSS anti-virus pattern version number that


the ZyXEL Device has downloaded. N/A displays if there has been no


reply for an update request.

Chapter 10 Trend Micro Security Services