The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 23 Bandwidth Management Wizard: Configuration
Active | Select an entry’s Active check box to turn on bandwidth management for the service/ |
| application. |
Service | These fields display the services names. |
Priority | Select High, Mid or Low priority for each service to have your ZyXEL Device use a |
| priority for traffic that matches that service. |
| A service with High priority is given as much bandwidth as it needs. |
| If you select services as having the same priority, then bandwidth is divided equally |
| amongst those services. |
| Services not specified in bandwidth management are allocated bandwidth after all |
| specified services receive their bandwidth requirements. |
| If the rules set up in this wizard are changed in Advanced > Bandwidth MGMT > |
| Rule Setup, then the service priority radio button will be set to User Configured. |
| The Advanced > Bandwidth MGMT > Rule Setup screen allows you to edit these |
| rule configurations. |
Auto classifier | Select Auto classifier rest bandwidth to automatically allocate unbudgeted or |
rest bandwidth | unused bandwidth to services based on the packet type. |
Back | Click Back to go back to the previous wizard screen. |
Apply | Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyXEL Device. |
Exit | Click Exit to close the wizard screen without saving your changes. |
Follow the
Figure 36 Bandwidth Management Wizard: Complete
Chapter 3 Wizards | 75 |