Chapter 31 PPPoE

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 100 Advanced Application > PPPoE > Intermediate Agent




Select this option to enable the PPPoE intermediate agent globally on the






Enter up to 20 ASCII characters to identify the PPPoE intermediate agent.


Hyphens (-) and spaces are also allowed. The default is the Switch’s host






Use this section to configure the Circuit ID field in the PADI and PADR




The Circuit ID you configure for a specific port or for a specific VLAN on a


port has priority over this.


The Circuit ID you configure for a specific port (in the Advanced


Application > PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port screen) or for a


specific VLAN on a port (in the Advanced Application > PPPoE >


Intermediate Agent > Port > VLAN screen) has priority over this. That


means, if you also want to configure PPPoE IA Per-Port or Per-Port Per-


VLAN setting, leave the fields here empty and configure circuit-id and


remote-id in the Per-Port or Per-Port Per-VLAN screen.




Select this option to have the Switch add the user-defined identifier string


and variables (specified in the option field) to PADI or PADR packets from


PPPoE clients.


If you leave this option unselected and do not configure any Circuit ID


string (using CLI commands) on the Switch, the Switch will use the string


specified in the access-node-identifierfield.




Specify a string that the Switch adds in the Agent Circuit ID sub-option.


You can enter up to 53 ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.




Select the variables that you want the Switch to generate and add in the


Agent Circuit ID sub-option. The variable options include sp, sv, pv and


spv which indicate combinations of slot-port, slot-VLAN, port-VLAN and


slot-port-VLAN respectively. The Switch enters a zero into the PADI and


PADR packets for the slot value.




Select a delimiter to separate the identifier-string, slot ID, port number


and/or VLAN ID from each other. You can use a pound key (#), semi-


colon (;), period (.), comma (,), forward slash (/) or space.




Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The


Switch loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the


Save link on the top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-


volatile memory when you are done configuring.




Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.



31.3.1 PPPoE IA Per-Port

Use this screen to specify whether individual ports are trusted or untrusted ports and have the Switch add extra information to PPPoE discovery packets from PPPoE clients on a per-port basis.



XGS-4526/4528F/4728F User’s Guide