Chapter 38 IGMP

38.3 Configuring IGMP

Click IP Application > IGMP in the navigation panel to display the screen as shown next. Each entry in the table is automatically created when you configure a new IP domain in the IP Setup screen (refer to Section 8.6 on page 110).

Figure 172 IP Application > IGMP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 123 IP Application > IGMP




Select this check box to enable IGMP on the Switch.


Note: You cannot enable both IGMP snooping and IGMP at the same


time. Refer to Section 24.4 on page 232 for more information on


IGMP snooping.




Specify the action to perform when the Switch receives an unknown


multicast frame. Unknown multicast frames are addressed to multicast


groups for which the Switch has not recorded any group members. Select


Drop to discard the frame(s). Select Flooding to send the frame(s) to all






This field displays an index number of an entry.




This field displays the IP domain configured on the Switch.


Refer to Section 8.6 on page 110 for more information on configuring IP






Select an IGMP version from the drop-down list box. The choices are IGMP-


v1, IGMP-v2,IGMP-v3 and None.


Generally, if you want to enable IGMP on the Switch, you should choose


IGMP-v3as it is compatible with older versions. Choose an earlier version of


IGMP (IGMP-v2or IGMP-v1) if the multicast hosts on your network can not


recognize IGMP version 3 or version 2 Query messages.




Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The


Switch loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save


link on the top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile


memory when you are done configuring.




Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.



XGS-4526/4528F/4728F User’s Guide