Chapter 7 Wireless LAN


Table 26 Network > Wireless LAN > General: Static WEP Encryption






WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) provides data encryption to prevent



unauthorized wireless stations from accessing data transmitted over the



wireless network.



Select 64-bitor 128-bitto enable data encryption.





Key 1 to Key

The WEP key is used to secure your data from eavesdropping by



unauthorized wireless users. Both the P-870HN-51D and the wireless



stations must use the same WEP key for data transmission.



Only one key can be activated at any one time. Select a default key to use



for data encryption.



If you chose 64-bitin the WEP Encryption field, then enter any 5



characters (ASCII string) or 10 hexadecimal characters ("0-9", "A-F")



preceded by 0x for each key.



If you chose 128-bitin the WEP Encryption field, then enter 13



characters (ASCII string) or 26 hexadecimal characters ("0-9", "A-F")



preceded by 0x for each key.




7.4.3 WPA(2)-PSK

In order to configure and enable WPA(2)-PSK authentication; click Network > Wireless LAN to display the General screen. Select WPA-PSKor WPA2-PSKfrom the Security Mode list.

Figure 47 Wireless LAN > General: WPA(2)-PSK



P-870HN-51D User’s Guide