WAN Setup

5.1 Overview

This chapter discusses the P-870HN-51D’s WAN screens. Use these screens to configure your P-870HN-51D for Internet access.

A WAN (Wide Area Network) connection is an outside connection to another network or the Internet. It connects your private networks, such as a LAN (Local Area Network), and other networks, so that a computer in one location can communicate with computers in other locations.

Figure 27 LAN and WAN


See Section 5.6 on page 84 for advanced technical information on WAN.

5.1.1What You Can Do in this Chapter

The Layer 2 Interface screen lets you view, remove or add a layer-2 WAN interface (Section 5.4 on page 71).

The Internet Connection screen lets you view and configure the WAN settings on the P-870HN-51D for Internet access (Section 5.5 on page 73).



P-870HN-51D User’s Guide