Chapter 5 WAN Setup NAT, IGMP Multicast and Firewall Activation

The screen is available only when you select IP over Ethernet in the WAN Service Configuration screen.

Figure 35 WAN Configuration: NAT, IGMP Multicast and Firewall Activation

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 19 WAN Configuration: NAT, IGMP Multicast and Firewall Activation



Enable NAT

Select this option to enable NAT on the P-870HN-51D. You can also


select the NAT Type you want the P-870HN-51D to implement. The


choices are as follows:


Symmetric NAT (default) - Symmetric NAT maps requests from


the same private IP address and port to a different public source IP


address and/or port depending on the packet's destination IP




Port Restricted Cone NAT - Restricted cone NAT maps all


requests from the same private IP address and port to the same


public source IP address and port.


Restricted Cone NAT - Restricted cone NAT maps all requests


from the same private IP address to the same public source IP




Full Cone NAT - In full cone NAT, all requests from the same


private IP address and port are mapped to the same public source


IP address and port. Someone on the Internet only needs to know


the mapping scheme in order to send packets to a device behind


the NAT router.



Enable Firewall

Select this check box to activate Firewall on this connection.



Enable IGMP

Select this check box to have the P-870HN-51D act as an IGMP proxy

Multicast Proxy

on this connection. This allows the P-870HN-51D to get subscribing


information and maintain a joined member list for each multicast


group. It can reduce multicast traffic significantly.




Click this button to return to the previous screen.




Click this button to continue.





P-870HN-51D User’s Guide