Chapter 5 WAN Setup

5.3 Before You Begin

You need to know your Internet access settings such as encapsulation and WAN IP address. Get this information from your ISP.

5.4 The Layer 2 Interface Screen

The P-870HN-51D must have a layer-2 interface to allow users to use the DSL port to access the Internet.

Figure 28 Layer 2 Interface

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 12 Layer 2 Interface




This is the name of the interface.



Connection Mode

This displays the connection mode of the layer-2 interface.




This displays whether QoS (Quality of Service) is enabled on the P-






Click the Remove button to delete this interface from the P-870HN-


51D. A window displays asking you to confirm that you want to delete


the interface.


Note: You cannot remove the layer-2 interface when a WAN


service is associated with it.




Click this button to create a new layer-2 interface.



P-870HN-51D User’s Guide