Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI)
1. Press the power switch to the <I> position.
NOTE: If the machine does not start up, check that the <RESET> button
on the side of the machine is in the reset position.
Powering Off
If the Fax option is installed, make sure that the <Jobs in Memory> indicator on the control panel is off before you switch off the machine. If you switch off the machine while the <Jobs in Memory> indicator is lit for more than hour, all stored documents will be deleted. After charging for 30 hours, the machine is able to keep stored documents for an hour.
NOTE: Wait at least 20 seconds between powering the system off and on. Failure to do so could cause damage to the disk.
Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI)
If a fault is detected in the power supply to the machine, a Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) device on the machine automatically cuts all electrical power. If power is interrupted, locate the <RESET> button on the side of the machine. If the GFI has been triggered, the <RESET> button will be in the tripped position. To restore power to the machine, press the <RESET> button.
Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre 118 Quick Reference Guide | 31 |