NOTE: On CF 300/44 models, the multiple should be 60, rather than fifty. If you have this model, please use the following table to find the values.
Magnification Values for CF300
3540 4020 4500 4980
3600 4080 4560 5040
3660 4140 4620 5100
3720 4200 4680 5160
3780 4260 4740 5220
3840 4320 4800 5280
3900 4380 4860
3960 4440 4920
For example, the magnification is correct if the distance reported is 5150, 5200, or 5250. Which multiple is reported depends on the placement of the target document and is at its maximum when the target is precisely centered over the camera.
If the distance is not a multiple of 50, the magnification must be adjusted up or down to the closest multiple. For example, if 5144 is reported, magnification must be adjusted up to 5150.
-When the discrepancy is less than 5 pixels, the magnification is
-When the discrepancy is larger than 5 pixels, the magnification is adjusted by changing the thickness of the shims under the camera block. Reducing the shim thickness reduces camera magnification, and increasing the shim thickness increases magnification.