Use FTP or SCP to upgrade multiple Management Cards. To upgrade multiple Network Management Cards using an FTP client or using SCP, write a script which automatically performs the procedure.
Using the NMC2 Firmware Upgrade Utility for multiple upgrades
After downloading from the American Power Conversion website, double click on the exe file to run the utility (which ONLY works with IPv4) and follow these steps to upgrade your firmware:
1.Type in an IP address, a user name, and a password, and choose the Ping button if you need to verify an IP address.
2.Choose the Device List button to open the iplist.txt file. This should list any device IP, user name, and password, for example,
The new utility works fine with any existing iplist.txt file that you have used with the old version of the utility.
3.Select the Upgrade From Device List check box to use the iplist.txt file. Clear this check box to upgrade the firmware using the IP, user name and password you typed on the dialog box.
4.Choose the Upgrade Now button to start the firmware version update(s).
Choose View Log to verify any upgrade.
Use XMODEM to upgrade one Management Card
To use XMODEM to upgrade one Management Card that is not on the network, you must extract the firmware files from the firmware upgrade tool (see “To extract the firmware files:” on page 84).
To transfer the files:
1.Select a serial port at the local computer and disable any service that uses the port.
2.Connect the provided serial configuration cable (part number
3.Run a terminal program such as HyperTerminal, and configure the selected port for 57600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
4.Press the Reset button on the Management Card, then immediately press the ENTER key twice, or until the Boot Monitor prompt displays:
5.Type XMODEM, then press ENTER.
6.From the terminal program’s menu, select XMODEM, then select the binary AOS firmware file to transfer using XMODEM. After the XMODEM transfer is complete, the Boot Monitor prompt returns.
7.To install the application module, repeat step 5 and step 6. In step 6, use the application module file name.
8.Type reset or press the Reset button to restart the Management Card.
For information about the format used for firmware modules, see “Firmware files (Network Management Card)” on page 83.
Network Management Card User’s Guide | 86 |