A212_2 FOR THE OPERATOR 03.7.5 8:01 AM Page 16
Key operation example |
| Receipt print |
Department entry
PLU entry
Subdepartment entry
1200 "
50 d 1500 d
41 d
80 p
500 fi
85 p 1200 p
Repeat entries
You can use this function for entering a sale of two or more of the same items. Consecutive pressing of a department key, dkey, a direct PLU key or pkey is as shown on key operation example below.
Key operation example |
| Receipt print |
Department entry
PLU entry
Subdepart- ment entry
1200 " "
$ $
50 d 1500 d d
41 d d
80 p p
500 fi fi
85 p 1200 p p
Multiplication entries
When selling a large quantity of items, it is convenient to use the multiplication entry method. Enter quantity using numeric keys and press the @key before starting item entry as shown in the example below.
When programmed to allow fractional quantity entries, you can enter up to four integers and three digit decimal, though the quantity is counted as one for sales reports. To enter a fractional quantity, use the decimal point key between integer and decimal.