7:Configurable Pin Manager
The Configurable Pin Manager (CPM) is responsible for the assignment and control of the configurable pins (CPs) available on the xPico
You must configure the CPs by making them part of a role. A CP role may consist of one or more CPs. This increases flexibility when incorporating the xPico
Note: The blue text in the XML command strings of this chapter are to be replaced with a
Configurable Pin Status
Each CP is associated with an external hardware pin. The Current Configuration table shows the sample settings for each CP.
Table 7-1 Current Configurable Pins
CP | Ref | Usage | Assert | Mode | Value | Roles | Active in Role |
CP1 | Pin 35 | Input | High | 0 | 1 | <available> | |
CP2 | Pin 26 | Input | High | 1 | 1 | <available> | |
CP3 | Pin 28 | Input | High | 0 | 0 | <available> | |
CP4 | Pin 30 | Input | High | 1 | 0 | <available> | |
CP5 | Pin 32 | Input | High | 0 | 0 | <available> | |
CP6 | Pin 34 | Input | High | 0 | 0 | <available> | |
CP7 | Pin 27 | Input | High | 0 | 0 | <available> | |
CP8 | Pin 3 | Input | High | 0 | <available> | ||
| Table |
CPM – CPs Status | Description |
Ref | Indicates the pin number on the device which corresponds to this |
| configurable pin. |
Usage | Indicates whether this pin is set as Input, Output or Reserved (for a |
| different use). |
Assert | Indicates the polarity of the configurable pin as High or Low. |
Mode | Indicates whether this pin is setup for |
| internal weak pullup. |
Value | Indicates the logical value of the configurable pin. |
Roles | Indicates the number of configurable pin roles which refer to this pin. |
xPico® | 43 |