CY7C1511V18, CY7C1526V18 CY7C1513V18, CY7C1515V18
Concurrent Transactions
The read and write ports on the CY7C1513V18 operates completely independently of one another. As each port latches the address inputs on different clock edges, the user can read or write to any location, regardless of the transaction on the other port. If the ports access the same location when a read follows a write in successive clock cycles, the SRAM delivers the most recent information associated with the specified address location. This includes forwarding data from a write cycle that was initiated on the previous K clock rise.
Read access and write access must be scheduled such that one transaction is initiated on any clock cycle. If both ports are selected on the same K clock rise, the arbitration depends on the previous state of the SRAM. If both ports are deselected, the read port takes priority. If a read was initiated on the previous cycle, the write port takes priority (as read operations cannot be initiated on consecutive cycles). If a write was initiated on the previous cycle, the read port takes priority (as write operations cannot be initiated on consecutive cycles). Therefore, asserting both port selects active from a deselected state results in alter- nating read or write operations being initiated, with the first access being a read.
Depth Expansion
The CY7C1513V18 has a port select input for each port. This enables for easy depth expansion. Both port selects are sampled on the rising edge of the positive input clock only (K). Each port select input can deselect the specified port. Deselecting a port does not affect the other port. All pending transactions (read and write) are completed before the device is deselected.
Programmable Impedance
An external resistor, RQ, must be connected between the ZQ pin on the SRAM and VSS to allow the SRAM to adjust its output driver impedance. The value of RQ must be 5X the value of the intended line impedance driven by the SRAM, the allowable range of RQ to guarantee impedance matching with a tolerance of ±15% is between 175Ω and 350Ω, with VDDQ = 1.5V. The output impedance is adjusted every 1024 cycles upon power up to account for drifts in supply voltage and temperature.
Echo Clocks
Echo clocks are provided on the
These chips use a DLL that is designed to function between 120 MHz and the specified maximum clock frequency. During power up, when the DOFF is tied HIGH, the DLL is locked after 1024 cycles of stable clock. The DLL can also be reset by slowing or stopping the input clocks K and K for a minimum of 30 ns. However, it is not necessary to reset the DLL to lock to the desired frequency. The DLL automatically locks 1024 clock cycles after a stable clock is presented. The DLL may be disabled by applying ground to the DOFF pin. For information refer to the application note AN5062, DLL Considerations in QDRII/DDRII/QDRII+/DDRII+.
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