| PRELIMINARY | CY7C2561KV18, CY7C2576KV18 | |
| CY7C2563KV18, CY7C2565KV18 | ||
| ||
Document History Page
Document Title: CY7C2561KV18/CY7C2576KV18/CY7C2563KV18/CY7C2565KV18,
Document Number:
Rev. | Ecn No. | Orig. Of | Submission | Description Of Change |
| Change | Date |
** | 1120252 | VKN | See ECN | New datasheet |
*A | 1246904 | VKN/AESA | See ECN | Added 550 and 500 MHz speed bins |
| Removed 375, 333, and 300 MHz speed bins |
| Made ODT applicable only for DDR inputs |
| Added footnote# 2 |
*B | 1739343 | VKN/AESA | See ECN | Converted from Advance Information to Preliminary |
*C | 2088787 | VKN/AESA | See ECN | Changed PLL lock time from 2048 cycles to 20 μs |
| Added footnote #23 related to IDD |
| Corrected typo in the footnote #27 |
*D | 2612244 | VKN/AESA | 11/25/08 | Changed JTAG ID [31:29] from 001 to 000, |
| Updated |
| Included Thermal Resistance values, |
| Changed the package size from 15 x 17 x 1.4 mm to 13 x 15 x 1.4 mm. |
*E | 2697841 | 04/24/2009 | VKN | Moved to external web |
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Document Number: | Revised April 24, 2009 | Page 29 of 29 |
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