Power Wiring Interconnections
All wiring must be the proper size, properly supported and protected by conduit. Ensure all power is disconnected during installation.
Complete connections between the inlet box, main distribution panel and the transfer switch per Figure 4 on the next page.
1.Connect utility feeder from two pole 50 Amp branch circuit breaker in main distribution panel, to transfer switch 50 Amp breaker marked “Utility Supply”.
2.Connect main distribution panel neutral to transfer switch 50 Amp breaker neutral marked “Utility Supply”. DO NOT connect to neutral or ground bus in transfer switch.
3.Connect main distribution panel equipment ground to equipment ground bus in transfer switch.
4.Connect generator feeder from receptacle in inlet box to transfer switch 30 Amp breaker marked “Generator Supply”.
5.Connect generator neutral from receptacle in inlet box to transfer switch 30 Amp breaker neutral marked “Generator Supply” DO NOT connect to neutral or ground bus in transfer switch.
6.Connect generator equipment ground from receptacle in inlet box to transfer switch ground bus.
IMPORTANT: Connecting the transfer switch neutral bus to ground will trip the generator GFCI. DO NOT connect the transfer switch neutral bus to ground.
7.Connect all branch circuit breakers to appropriate essential circuits, including line and neutral circuit conductors.
8.Tighten all wire connections and fasteners to proper torque.
NOTE: Utility and Generator branch circuit breakers in transfer switch are specially designed to disconnect appropriate neutral circuits during operation. This feature allows the use of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter devices on generators when installed correctly.