DPI (dots per inch) A measurement of resolution, rated in the number of thermal elements contained in one inch of the printhead. Also referred to as print density.
DPL™ (Datamax Programming Language) Programming commands used specifically for formatting and production in Datamax printers.
DTPL (Datamax Ticket Programming Language) Programming commands used for ticket formatting and production in the admissions industry.
emulation a set of commands that allow this printer to imitate another.
Flash memory module A removable,
font A set of alphanumeric characters that share a particular typeface.
IPS (inches per second) Imperial measurement of printer speeds.
MMPS (millimeters per second) Metric measurement of printer speeds.
parser a computer routine that reads and interprets received data for further processing.
perforation A series of small cuts extending through the ticket material to facilitate separation. Also referred to as “perf”.
print speed The speed at which the ticket stock moves under the printhead during the printing process.
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