Panasonic WJ-SX650 manual 2005 to 2099 Year

Page 43

Reference No.





2005 to 2099: Year




1 to 12: Month




1 to 31: Day




[24-h time format] 0 to 23: Time


[12-h time format] 1 to 12: Time




00 to 59: Minute




AM, PM: Morning, Afternoon








Japanese, English, French*, Spanish*, German*, Italian*, and Russian*: Language


* In the actual display, these parameters are displayed in their own languages.




[24-h] 0:00 to 23:00: Start Time


[12-h] 1:00 AM to 12:00 PM: Start Time








Way to press keys


A to Z: Click each key while holding down the SHIFT key.


a to z: Click each key.


0 to 9: Click each key.




1 to 32: Page




Available parameters: 1 to 9999




Available parameters: 1 to 999


Note: You can select logical camera numbers that have been set in "System" – "Logical Camera Number".




Available parameters: 1 to 256




1 to 32: Tour sequence No.




Available parameters: 1 to 9999


Note: You can select camera position numbers that have set in "Camera" – "Camera Position".




Available parameters: Blank, 1 to 256




ON: Activate, OFF: Not activate, --: Not control




1 to 30 sec: Dwell




1 to 32: Group Sequence No.




1 to 32: Monitor No.




1 to 99: Priority




1 to 30 sec: Dwell Time




OFF: Auto reset is OFF.


1 to 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min: Alarms are reset after this period.




N.O.: Normally Open contact


N.C.: Normally Close contact




1 to 256: Terminal Alarm


1 to 999: Camera Alarm, Recorder Alarm, Video Loss


Note: You can select camera numbers that have set in "System" – "Logical Camera Number".


1 to 1024: Serial Alarm




When Display Mode is set to SPOT, up to 8 events can be added.




1 to 64: Alarm schedule No.


Note: You can select only registered schedules.


OFF: Always Active




SPOT: Displays a spot camera image


T-SEQ1 to 32: Activates Tour Sequence 1 to 32.


G-SEQ1 to 32: Activates Group Sequence/Preset 1 to 32.


Note: You can select available events only.




1 to 999: Recording Source (LCN)


When an alarm event occurs, a command alarm specifying the LCN of recording source camera is transmit-


ted to the recorder.


Note: Recording follows the settings of command alarm and event recording. Refer to the operating instruc-


tions of recorders.


Image 43
Contents Model Nos. WJ-SX650 Series English Version Important Safety Instructions Contents Limitation of Liability Disclaimer of WarrantyTrademarks and Registered Trademarks Precautions Preparations pages xx, xx, xx About These Operating InstructionsAlarm operation and alarm event can be scheduled FeaturesAuthentication by user IDs, passwords, and level settings Timer event and camera event can be scheduledFront View WJ-SX650 Matrix Switcher/WJ-SX650U Card CageRear View 1Signal Ground Terminal Signal GNDIN-3 board Video Input Board WJ-PB65C32A-3/IN B-3/IN C-3 board X-2 boardOUT X-1 board Video Output Board WJ-PB65M16OUT X-3 board OUT X-2 boardMonitor Display Information WV-CU950/650 System Controller Display InformationCamera/recorder/sequence number 001 to 999 Camera number WV-CU360C/CJChecking Board Composition InstallationsSwitch Settings for Video Input Main Board Front view of video output main board Switch Settings for Video Output Main BoardHost Func Mounting Video Input and Output Boards Board Mounting Procedure EIA equivalents Products of other manufacturers EIA Installing the Main UnitPlaces to avoid Rack MountingRecommended ConnectionsStandards This unit x 1, camera x 30, monitor x 16, and recorder x Basic System ConnectionsThis unit x 3, camera x 150, monitor x 32, and recorder x Expanded System ConnectionsThis unit x 4, camera x 240, monitor x 32, and recorder x Line termination OFF Card Cage ConnectionsRS-485 Camera Connections Camera ConnectionsOFF Daisy Chain Connection ConnectionWV-CA48/JN PC Connection Monitor ConnectionsRecorder Connection Connection to Video Output Connectors of RecordersRecorders unit address Camera in channel Video input board Recorder number Unit Address System Video OUTConnection between Recorders and Video Input Boards OFF Terminal Mode Connection Recorder SettingsSystem Controller Connection Example PS·Data Mode ConnectionGND Alarm Sensor ConnectionsExternal Device Connections Pin No DesignationMonitor System Status CheckTerminal Duration Remarks Display example of System StatusData 1, 2, 5 and 6 ports Tmnl Data 3, 4, 7 and 8 ports HDR Setup ProcedureSetup Menu Recorder 1 to 10 on Recorder 11 to 16 OFFSetup Menu Uninstallation WJ-SX650 Series Administrator ConsoleInstallation and Uninstallation InstallationTool Bar User Name admin Password sx650Starting Up Window DetailsReference No Explanation Tooltip Details2005 to 2099 Year ON, OFF, AUTO, B/W setting Sequence SystemDisplay CameraSchedule AlarmOperator Communication ControllerBasic Operations Setup Menu OSDTop Menu Day Time Alarm MenuYear MonthRecorder Alarm Terminal Alarm MenuInput Board Data bit 8 bits Parity check None Stop bit 1 bit System MenuData Port Menu 800 bps/9 600 bps/19 200 bps/38 400 bpsRS485 VD2/DATA/CABLE Compensation MenuRS485 Camera Menu VD2Information Operator Registration Login and LogoutOperation End Logout Power-on/offOperation Start Login Operation Start/End Auto Login/LogoutMonitor Selection Monitor ControlMonitor Lock Camera Selection Recall Preset Position ControlCamera Control Camera SelectionAvailable buttons and functions F1 All home positions All Cameras ControlRecorder Control Recorder Selection Recorder Control EndTour Sequence Group PresetRunning Sequence Descriptions of SequenceSetting item Parameter Remarks Sequence SettingTour Sequence Group Sequence/PresetSequence step forward/backward Sequence PauseSequence Stop Available operations during sequence pauseAlarm Occurrence Alarm DescriptionsTerminal alarm setting Spot Alarm ModesGroup Sequence/Preset Video LossAlarm Control Details on Alarm History Display Return to Alarm Mode StatusAlarm Suspension Alarm History DisplayREC Auto Track Timer DescriptionsTimer Event Camera EventScene Patrols Alarm in Camera Not UseCleaning BW and Scene PatrolsOperation list of WV-CU950/650 and WV-CU360C/CJ Terminal Mode OperationAlarm recover WV-CU950/650 Lists of Operations and FunctionsCU360C/CJ Function list of WV-CU950/650 and WV-CU360C/CJFunction WV-CU950/650 WV-CU950/650, WVEvent Shift + SetupALL CAM IDACK ALM ResetShift + ALM ALL Reset Shift + ALL Reset ALM RecallCamera control Near Focus FARFocus Near Focus FAR + FocusWiper DEF on Shift + DEF on OFF DEF OFF Shift + DEF OFF Recorder controlShift + CAM Func Screen SEL OSDOSD ON/OFF → Multi ScreenStop PlayPause GO to LastRecorder + If you select a recorder, and then press the Search button Menu Flow WV-CU950/650If you press the Menu button without selecting a recorder If you select a recorder, and then press the Menu buttonPS·Data Mode Operations Operation Other than Terminal ModeControlling from a PC Controlling from a Web Browser Accessing a RecorderConnections and Operations Monitor lock Refer to p Camera Access Refer to p Recorder Access Refer to pAlarm event Refer to p GlossaryPage Matrix Switcher WJ-SX650 Series TroubleshootingRS-485 communication Coaxial communicationProblem Check item and remedy Check if the alarm event has been set WJ-SX650 Series Administrator Console Problem Check item and remedy Reference Power Cord, Connectors, and Power PlugMatrix Switcher WJ-SX650 Series SpecificationsVideo Input Board WJ-PB65C21 Card Cage WJ-SX650UVideo Output Board WJ-PB65M16 CD-ROM Standard AccessoriesExpansion Cable Kit WJ-CA65L20K/WJ-CA65L07K Sub/BNC Video Cable WJ-CA68N0805-0 V8QA6300AN