Locations Displayed by this Watch
The locations displayed in the time, travel time and destination timer modes of the standard mode can be edited with a personal computer using the “CAPgm” software provided (including changing, adding and deleting locations as well as changing the order in which they are called up).
*Refer to the section on "Data Communication Functions" in this manual along with the "CAPgm" instruction manual contained on the
Locations Pre-registered in this Watch
The following locations are registered in the watch when using the watch for the first time (default status) or after having formatted flash memory. The following locations are displayed in alphabetical order (except for UTC which is the first location shown) in the correction state of each mode.
No. | Watch display | Location | Time | No. | Watch display | Location | Time |
difference | difference | ||||||
- | UTC | Coordinated Universal Time | ±0 | 16 | KUWAIT | Kuwait | +3 |
1 | ANCHORAGE | Anchorage | 17 | LONDON | London | ±0 | |
2 | AUCKLAND | Auckland | +12 | 18 | LA | Los Angeles | |
3 | BANGKOK | Bangkok | +7 | 19 | MEXICO | Mexico City | |
4 | BEIJING | Beijing | +8 | 20 | MONTREAL | Montreal | |
5 | BUENOS | Buenos Aires | 21 | MOSCOW | Moscow | +3 | |
6 | CAIRO | Cairo | +2 | 22 | NEW DELHI | New Delhi | +5.5 |
7 | CARACAS | Caracas | 23 | NEW YORK | New York | ||
8 | CHICAGO | Chicago | 24 | NOUMEA | Noumea | +11 | |
9 | DENVER | Denver | 25 | PARIS | Paris | +1 | |
10 | DHAKA | Dhaka | +6 | 26 | RIO | Rio de Janeiro | |
11 | DUBAI | Dubai | +4 | 27 | ROME | Rome | +1 |
12 | HONG KONG | Hong Kong | +8 | 28 | SINGAPORE | Singapore | +8 |
13 | HONOLULU | Honolulu | 29 | SYDNEY | Sydney | +10 | |
14 | ISTANBUL | Istanbul | +2 | 30 | TOKYO | Tokyo | +9 |
15 | KARACHI | Karachi | +5 |
Location "IrWW"
In the case the time difference (time difference from UTC) of a location of the time mode of the transmitting watch is not present in the receiving watch during transfer of time setting data between watches using the infrared communication function, "IrWW" is temporarily displayed in the location display of the receiving watch.
*Refer to section "4. Data Communication Between Watches" of "Data Communication Functions" in this manual.