Hoover WDYN PG manual Spie Tasti, Tastenanzeigen, Voyants DES Programmes

Page 26



Les voyants s’allument lorsque les programmes respectifs sont sélectionnés. Lorsqu’une option non compatible avec le programme à été sélectionnée, le symbole de l’option choisi clignote, puis s’éteint.


Lorsqu’un programme est sélectionné, le display indique la charge maximale de linge à insérer en fonction du programme choisi, et la quantité de lessive conseillée.


20% de la quantité maximum

50% de la quantité maximum

Quantité maximum La quantité de lessive suggérée peut varier selon le degré de salissure du linge.

Chargement du linge: Chaque niveau représenté par un trait correspond environ à 10% de la charge maximale (environ 1Kg). Lorsqu’un programme est sélectionné, la charge maximale conseillée à insérer s’affiche sur le display.

Pour les programmes avec la fonction KG MODE, la machine calcule durant les premières minutes le poids réel du linge, en affichant le niveau de charge à jour sur l’écran.



Si accendono quando i rispettivi tasti vengono premuti.

Nel caso sia stata selezionata un’ opzione non compatibile con il programma scelto il simbolo prima lampeggia e dopo si spegne.


QUANTITA’ DETERSIVO Quando si seleziona un programma sul display viene indicato il carico massimo di biancheria per il ciclo scelto e la quantità di detersivo consigliata.


20% della quantità massima

50% della quantità massima

Quantità massima La quantità di detersivo suggerita può essere variata a seconda del grado di sporco della biancheria da lavare.

Carico biancheria: Ogni livello visualizzato corrisponde a circa il 10% del carico massimo.

Alla selezione del programma viene visualizzato il carico massimo consigliato.

Per i programmi con funzione KG MODE la lavatrice calcola nei primi minuti il peso reale della biancheria, aggiornando il livello di carico sul display in tempo reale.






Die Tastenanzeigen leuchten auf, wenn die entsprechenden Tasten betätigt werden.

Falls eine Option gewählt wird, die für das eingestellte Programm nicht geeignet bzw. vorgesehen ist, blinkt zuerst die Anzeige, dann erlischt sie wieder.


WASCHMITTELMENGE Wenn ein Waschprogramm gewählt wird, werden im Display die maximale Wäscheladung für dieses Programm und die empfohlene Waschmittelmenge angezeigt


20% der maximalen Menge

50% der maximalen Menge

maximale Menge Die empfohlene Waschmittelmenge kann je nach Verschmutzungsgrad der Wäsche verändert werden


Jeder angezeigten Stufe entspricht ca. 10% der maximal möglichen Beladung. Bei Programmwahl wird die empfohlene maximale Beladung im Display angezeigt.

Bei den Programmen mit der Funktion KG MODE misst das Gerät in den ersten Minuten das tatsächliche Gewicht der Wäsche und aktualisiert die Stufe auf dem Display entsprechend.


8)KONTROLKY TLAâÍTEK Ty se zapnou po stisknutí pfiíslu‰n˘ch tlaãítek.

V pfiípadû volby, která není shodná se zvolen˘m programem, kontrolka pfiíslu‰ného symbolu nejdfiíve bliká a pak zhasne.


Po volbû programu se na displeji zobrazí maximální mnoÏství vloÏeného prádla pro zvolen˘ cyklus a doporuãené mnoÏství pracího prostfiedku.

Prací prostfiedek:

20 % z maximálního mnoÏství

50 % z maximálního mnoÏství

maximální mnoÏství Doporuãené mnoÏství pracího prostfiedku se mÛÏe mûnit podle stupnû zneãi‰tûní prádla.

MnoÏství prádla:

KaÏdá zobrazená úroveÀ odpovídá pfiibliÏnû 10 % maximálního zatíÏení.

Pfii volbû programu se zobrazí maximální doporuãené zatíÏení.

U programÛ s funkcí KG MODE praãka bûhem prvních minut vypoãítá skuteãnou hmotnost prádla a na displeji aktualizuje stupeÀ zatíÏení v reálném ãase.


8)BUTTONS INDICATOR LIGHT These light up when the relevant buttons are pressed.

If an option is selected but it is not compatible with the selected programme then the symbol first flashes and then goes off.


When a programme is selected on the display is shown the maximum load of laundry suitable for that cycle and the relative detergent quantity.


20% of the maximum quantity

50% of the maximum quantity

maximum quantity The detergent quantity suggested can be vary depending on how much the fabrics are soiled.

Maximum load

Every levels shown on the display is the 10% of the maximum loading capacity. When a programme is selected the maximum capacity suggested is shown on the display.

For the programmes where the KG MODE function is active, the appliance in the first minutes it calculates the real laundry loaded, updating the levels on the display in real time.



Image 26
Contents Wdyn P G Herzlichen Glückwunsch Tous NOS ComplimentsComplimenti ÚvodInhalt IndexIndice ObsahCapitolo Allgemeine Hinweise ZUR LieferungVäeobecné Pokyny PÜI Püevzetí Vÿrobku Garantie GuaranteeGarantie ZárukaPrescrizioni DI Sicurezza Safety MeasuresMesures DE Securite Sicherheits VorschriftenNon usi adattatori o spine multiple Capitolo Kapitel Setting UP Installation Uvedení do Provozu InstalaceNE PAS Ouvrir LE Robinet DÅL E ÏitéDo not Turn the TAP on AT this Time Attenzione NON Apra IL RubinettoAttenzione Bleu Neutre N Marron Phase L VERT-JAUNE TerreBraun Phase L GELB-GRÜN BLU Neutro N MarroneKapitel Bedienungselemente Chapitre CommandesComandi Ovládací PrvkyBedienelemente DescrizioneComandi Touche Temperature Basse TemperatureTemperatures Plus LA TemperaturePraöka JE Vybavena AnmerkungPoznámka SpeciálnímTouche Temps DE Lavage Tasto Tempo DI Lavaggio Tasto SelezioneTemperatura Taste WaschdauerTasto Partenza Differita Delay Start ButtonTouche Depart Differe Taste StartzeitvorwahlTouche Prelavage Tasto PRE Lavaggio DebutTouche Nuit Calme Tasto Buona Notte Taste Gute NachtOhne DIE Programmdauer ZU Verlängern Touche Très SaleTaste Flecken Intensive ButtonTaste Einstellung Trocknungsgrad Taste Aquaplus Touche AquaplusTasto Stop Allergia Aquaplus ButtonPomaökání Tasto Stiro FacileTaste Leichtbügeln Aöítko PRO Zabránëní Crease Guard Button TasteDélku Pracího Programu NotaTouche DEBUT/PAUSE Waschtemperatur Ecran DigitalDisplay Digit Displej „DIGITDVͤKA Voyants DES Programmes Spie TastiTastenanzeigen Spie Programmi DI Asciugatura Drying Programme IndicatorsVoyants Programmes DE Sechage Consigli UtiliChapitre Tableau DES ProgrammesCapitolo Tabella ProgrammiProgrammtabelle KapitelKapitola Program PROTable of Programmes Volba Programå SelectionSelezione Programmi Programme Laine & Soie Programma Lana & SetaProgramm Oberbett SportSportswear SportbekleidungRapido 59’ Sechage CotonSechage Mixtes SchontrocknenWaschmittel Behälter Tiroir a LessiveCassetto Detersivo ProstüedkåDAS Produkt LE ProduitIL Prodotto PrádloCapitolo Consigli Utili PER GLI UtentiCustomer Awareness Waschen LavageLavaggio PraníMARCHE/ARRET Podívejte do TabulkyVykonejte Öinnosti START/PAUSETrocknen SechageAsciugatura SU·ENÍDIE TÜR Öffnen PozorTouch Door for ANY Reason AttenzioneNEDOT¯KEJTE SE DVͤEK Esempio D’USO Solo AsciugaturaStart PRÁDLO, Prádlo SE Speciální V¯PLNÍ PE¤INY, BUNDY, ApodSníîit Mnoîství MARCHE/ARRETAUTOMATICK¯ Cyklus Praní a SU·ENÍ Cycle Automatique LAVAGE/SECHAGECiclo Automatico Lavaggio Asciugatura Automatic WASHING/DRYINGMARCHE/ARRET Tabelle Trockenzeiten Tableau DES Durées DE Séchage EN MinutesTabella Tempi Asciugatura Table of Drying Times in MinutesReinigung UND Allgemeine Wartung Cleaning and Routine MaintenanceNettoyage ET Entretien Ordinaire Öiätëní a ÚdrïbaNettoyage Filtre Filter CleaningRemovals or Long Periods When the Machine is Left Standing Demenagements OU Longues Periodes D’ARRET DE LA Machine101 103 105 Kapito 109

WDYN PG specifications

The Hoover WDYN PG is a modern washing machine designed to meet the demands of contemporary households. Its features and technologies make it a standout in the realm of home appliances, combining efficiency, user-friendliness, and performance.

One of the key highlights of the Hoover WDYN PG is its energy efficiency. The appliance boasts an impressive energy rating, which not only contributes to lower electricity bills but also helps reduce environmental impact. This is achieved through advanced motor technology that optimizes performance while consuming minimal power.

The drum capacity of the Hoover WDYN PG is designed to cater to the needs of families and individuals alike. With a generous load capacity, it can handle large washing loads, allowing users to save time and energy. The machine is equipped with a variety of wash programs, enabling it to handle different types of fabrics and soiling levels. This versatility ensures that clothes receive the appropriate care, from delicate fabrics to heavily soiled workwear.

One of the standout technologies integrated into the Hoover WDYN PG is the "One Touch" feature, which allows users to connect their device to a smartphone via Bluetooth. This connectivity makes it possible to monitor the washing cycle, download additional programs, and receive diagnostic information directly from the app. This modern feature enhances user convenience, making laundry tasks less of a chore.

Moreover, the washing machine incorporates an innovative anti-vibration design that minimizes noise and vibrations during operation. This feature is especially beneficial for households where laundry is often done during the night or early morning hours.

In addition, the Hoover WDYN PG comes with a range of time-saving options. The quick wash cycle is particularly advantageous for people with busy schedules, allowing them to wash lightly soiled clothes in a fraction of the time.

The build quality of the Hoover WDYN PG is another noteworthy aspect. It is built with durable materials designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while providing a sleek, modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into any laundry room setup.

In summary, the Hoover WDYN PG combines energy efficiency, innovative technologies, and versatile washing capabilities to provide an exceptional laundry solution for today’s households. Its user-friendly features and robust design make it a practical choice for anyone looking to upgrade their laundry experience.