Hoover WDYN PG manual Lavage, Lavaggio, Waschen, Praní, Washing

Page 40




Cette machine peut adapter automatiquement le niveau d’eau au type et à la quantité de linge. Vous pouvez ainsi obtenir un lavage “personnalisé”, même du point de vue énergétique. Ce système permet de diminuer la consommation d’énergie et réduit nettement les temps de lavage.


Pour les tissus extrêmement délicats nous conseillons d’utiliser un filet. Supposons que le linge à laver soit en COTON EXTREMEMENT SALE (s’il a des taches particulièrement résistantes les enlever avec un detachant).

Nous vous conseillons de ne pas faire un lavage exclusivement de serviettes- éponge qui, absorbant beaucoup d’eau, deviennent trop lourdes.

Ouvrir le tiroir à produits lessiviels.

Remplir le bac de lavage 2 avec 120 g de produit.

En cas de besoin, remplir le bac des additifs avec 50 ml de produit .

Fermer le tiroir .




Questa lavatrice é in grado di adattare automaticamente il livello dell’acqua al tipo e alla quantità di biancheria.

E’ così possibile ottenere un bucato “personalizzato” anche dal punto di vista energetico.

Questo sistema porta ad una diminuzione dei consumi d’energia e ad una riduzione sensibile dei tempi di lavaggio.


Per tessuti molto delicati é consigliabile l’utilizzo di un sacchetto di rete.

Supponiamo che il bucato da lavare sia di COTONE MOLTO SPORCO (se ha delle macchie particolarmente resistenti le asporti con l’apposita pasta).

Le consigliamo di non fare un carico di soli capi in tessuto di spugna che, assorbendo molta acqua, diventano troppo pesanti.

Apra il cassetto detersivo.

Metta nella vaschetta di lavaggio 2 120 g di detersivo

Metta 50 ml dell’additivo

che desidera nella vaschetta additivo .

Chiuda il cassetto detersivo.





Die Waschmaschine gleicht die Wassermenge automatisch an Art und Menge der Wäsche an. So ist, auch im Hinblick auf den Energieverbrauch, eine sehr “individuelle” Form des Waschens möglich.

Dieses System ermöglicht eine spürbare Reduzierung sowohl des. Wasserverbrauches als auch der Waschzeiten.


Für die Wäsche extrem empfindlicher Teile empfiehlt sich die Verwendung eines Waschnetzes. Angenommen, Sie waschen z.B. STARK VERSCHMUTZTE BAUMWOLLE (auf die hartnäckigen Flecken vorher eine geeignete Waschpaste auftragen).Waschen Sie nach Möglichkeit niemals ausschließlich sehr saugfähige Wäschestücke, die, bedingt durch die extreme Wasseraufnahme, sehr schwer werden.



in das Fach mit 2 (Hauptwäsche) ca 120 g Waschmittel geben.

auf Wunsch ca. 50 ml Zusatzmittel in den Behälter für Zusatzmittel geben.






Tato praöka automaticky nastaví vÿäku hladiny napouätëné vody podle druhu a mnoïství prádla. Je tím také moïné docílit individuálního postupu praní z hlediska úspory energie. Systém sniïuje spotüebu energie a znaönë zkracuje öas praní.


Pro praní zvláätë jemnÿch tkanin byste mëli pouïít speciální sít’ku (sáöek).

Püedpokládejme, ïe prádlo se skládá z velmi zaäpinënÿch bavlnënÿch odëvå (zaschlé skvrny by mëly bÿt odstranëny speciálními prostüedky).

Doporuöujeme neprat dohromady dávku prádla pouze z tkanin, které absorbují vodu, dávka v praöce by mohla bÿt po namoöení püíliä tëïká.

Otevüete zásobník pracích prostüedkå.

Do zásobníku oznaãeného 2 nasypte 120 g prá‰ku

Do poslední öásti vlijte cca

50 cm3 poïadované aviváïe .

Zasuñte zásuvku s pracími prostüedky.




This washing machine automatically adapts the level of the water to the type and quantity of washing. In this way it is also possible to obtain a “personalized” wash from an energy saving point of view. This system gives a decrease in energy consumption and a sensible reduction in washing times.


A net bag should be used for particularly delicate fabrics.

Let us suppose that the washing consists of HEAVILY SOILED COTTON (tough stains should be removed with suitable stain removal).

It is advisable not to wash a load made up entirely of articles in towelling fabric which absorb a lot of water and become too heavy.

Open the detergent drawer.

Put 120 g in the main wash compartment marked 2.

Put 50 ml of the desired additive in the additives compartment .

Close the detergent drawer.



Image 40
Contents Wdyn P G Tous NOS Compliments ComplimentiHerzlichen Glückwunsch ÚvodIndex IndiceInhalt ObsahVäeobecné Pokyny PÜI Püevzetí Vÿrobku Allgemeine Hinweise ZUR LieferungCapitolo Guarantee GarantieGarantie ZárukaSafety Measures Mesures DE SecuritePrescrizioni DI Sicurezza Sicherheits VorschriftenNon usi adattatori o spine multiple Capitolo Kapitel Setting UP Installation Uvedení do Provozu InstalaceDÅL E Ïité Do not Turn the TAP on AT this TimeNE PAS Ouvrir LE Robinet Attenzione NON Apra IL RubinettoBleu Neutre N Marron Phase L VERT-JAUNE Terre Braun Phase L GELB-GRÜNAttenzione BLU Neutro N MarroneChapitre Commandes ComandiKapitel Bedienungselemente Ovládací PrvkyComandi DescrizioneBedienelemente Basse Temperature Temperatures PlusTouche Temperature LA TemperatureAnmerkung PoznámkaPraöka JE Vybavena SpeciálnímTasto Selezione TemperaturaTouche Temps DE Lavage Tasto Tempo DI Lavaggio Taste WaschdauerDelay Start Button Touche Depart DiffereTasto Partenza Differita Taste StartzeitvorwahlDebut Touche Nuit Calme Tasto Buona NotteTouche Prelavage Tasto PRE Lavaggio Taste Gute NachtTouche Très Sale Taste FleckenOhne DIE Programmdauer ZU Verlängern Intensive ButtonTaste Einstellung Trocknungsgrad Touche Aquaplus Tasto Stop AllergiaTaste Aquaplus Aquaplus ButtonTasto Stiro Facile Taste Leichtbügeln Aöítko PRO Zabránëní Crease Guard ButtonPomaökání TasteTouche DEBUT/PAUSE NotaDélku Pracího Programu Ecran Digital Display DigitWaschtemperatur Displej „DIGITDVͤKA Tastenanzeigen Spie TastiVoyants DES Programmes Drying Programme Indicators Voyants Programmes DE SechageSpie Programmi DI Asciugatura Consigli UtiliChapitre Tableau DES ProgrammesCapitolo Tabella ProgrammiProgrammtabelle KapitelKapitola Program PROTable of Programmes Selezione Programmi SelectionVolba Programå Programme Laine & Soie Programma Lana & SetaSport SportswearProgramm Oberbett SportbekleidungSechage Coton Sechage MixtesRapido 59’ SchontrocknenTiroir a Lessive Cassetto DetersivoWaschmittel Behälter ProstüedkåLE Produit IL ProdottoDAS Produkt PrádloCustomer Awareness Consigli Utili PER GLI UtentiCapitolo Lavage LavaggioWaschen PraníPodívejte do Tabulky Vykonejte ÖinnostiMARCHE/ARRET START/PAUSESechage AsciugaturaTrocknen SU·ENÍDIE TÜR Öffnen PozorAttenzione NEDOT¯KEJTE SE DVͤEKTouch Door for ANY Reason Esempio D’USO Solo AsciugaturaPRÁDLO, Prádlo SE Speciální V¯PLNÍ PE¤INY, BUNDY, Apod Sníîit MnoîstvíStart MARCHE/ARRETCycle Automatique LAVAGE/SECHAGE Ciclo Automatico Lavaggio AsciugaturaAUTOMATICK¯ Cyklus Praní a SU·ENÍ Automatic WASHING/DRYINGMARCHE/ARRET Tableau DES Durées DE Séchage EN Minutes Tabella Tempi AsciugaturaTabelle Trockenzeiten Table of Drying Times in MinutesCleaning and Routine Maintenance Nettoyage ET Entretien OrdinaireReinigung UND Allgemeine Wartung Öiätëní a ÚdrïbaFilter Cleaning Removals or Long Periods When the Machine is Left StandingNettoyage Filtre Demenagements OU Longues Periodes D’ARRET DE LA Machine101 103 105 Kapito 109

WDYN PG specifications

The Hoover WDYN PG is a modern washing machine designed to meet the demands of contemporary households. Its features and technologies make it a standout in the realm of home appliances, combining efficiency, user-friendliness, and performance.

One of the key highlights of the Hoover WDYN PG is its energy efficiency. The appliance boasts an impressive energy rating, which not only contributes to lower electricity bills but also helps reduce environmental impact. This is achieved through advanced motor technology that optimizes performance while consuming minimal power.

The drum capacity of the Hoover WDYN PG is designed to cater to the needs of families and individuals alike. With a generous load capacity, it can handle large washing loads, allowing users to save time and energy. The machine is equipped with a variety of wash programs, enabling it to handle different types of fabrics and soiling levels. This versatility ensures that clothes receive the appropriate care, from delicate fabrics to heavily soiled workwear.

One of the standout technologies integrated into the Hoover WDYN PG is the "One Touch" feature, which allows users to connect their device to a smartphone via Bluetooth. This connectivity makes it possible to monitor the washing cycle, download additional programs, and receive diagnostic information directly from the app. This modern feature enhances user convenience, making laundry tasks less of a chore.

Moreover, the washing machine incorporates an innovative anti-vibration design that minimizes noise and vibrations during operation. This feature is especially beneficial for households where laundry is often done during the night or early morning hours.

In addition, the Hoover WDYN PG comes with a range of time-saving options. The quick wash cycle is particularly advantageous for people with busy schedules, allowing them to wash lightly soiled clothes in a fraction of the time.

The build quality of the Hoover WDYN PG is another noteworthy aspect. It is built with durable materials designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while providing a sleek, modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into any laundry room setup.

In summary, the Hoover WDYN PG combines energy efficiency, innovative technologies, and versatile washing capabilities to provide an exceptional laundry solution for today’s households. Its user-friendly features and robust design make it a practical choice for anyone looking to upgrade their laundry experience.