GE IC3645SR4U404N2, IC3645SP4U400N3 operation manual General Troubleshooting Instructions

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Section 4.4 General Troubleshooting Instructions


Trouble-shooting the SX family of controls should be quick and easy when following the instructions outlined in the following status code instruction sheets.

If mis-operation of the vehicle occurs, a status code will be displayed on the Dash Display (for vehicles equipped with a Dash Display) or made available by plugging a Handset into the plug "Y" location, and then reading the status code.

Note: Status code numbers from 00 to 99 are traction control status codes. Status codes with the prefix 1 (101 to 199) are pump control status codes.

With the status code number, follow the procedures outlined in the status code instruction sheets to determine the problem.

Important Note: Due to the interaction of the logic card with all vehicle functions, almost any status code or control fault could be caused by the logic card. After all other status code procedures have been followed and no problem is found, the controller should then be replaced as the last option to correct the problem.

The same device designations have been maintained on different controls but the wire numbers may vary. Refer to the elementary and wiring diagrams for your specific control. The wire numbers shown on the elementary diagram will have identical numbers on the corresponding wiring diagrams for a specific vehicle, but these numbers may be different from the numbers referenced in this publication.

WARNING: Before trouble-shooting, jack up the drive wheels, disconnect the battery and discharge the capacitors. Reconnect the battery as needed for specific checks. Capacitors should be discharged by connecting a 200 ohm 2 watt resistor between the positive and negative terminals on the control panel.

Check resistance on R x 1000 scale from frame to power and control terminals. A resistance of less than 20,000 ohms can cause misleading symptoms. Resistance less than 1000 ohms should be corrected first.

Before proceeding, visually check for loose wiring, mis-aligned linkage to the accelerator switch, signs of overheating of components, etc.

Tools and test equipment required are: clip leads, volt-ohm meter (20,000 ohms per volt) and basic hand tools.

January 2000

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Contents Installation and Operation Table of Contents 57-62 20-4041-45 46-52Motor Characteristics Basic Operation and FeaturesSlows with the increase of current in the field More Features with Fewer ComponentsSolid-State Reversing Flexible System Application3.c Pedal Position Plug Braking 1.b Creep Speed1.c Control Acceleration 2 Current Limit5 Ramp Operation 5a Ramp Start 6 Steer Pump Contactor Time Delay4.b Speed Limits 4.c Proportional Operation for Dual Motor Vehicles2 Accelerator Volts Hold Off Diagnostics 1 Systems Diagnostics7 On-Board Coil Drivers & Internal Coil Suppression System Protective Override 1 Static Return to Off SRO4.a Internal Resistance Compensation 3.a Maintenance Alert & Speed Limit4 Battery Discharge Indication BDI 3 Hourmeter ReadingsBasic Operation and Features Part Number Outline DRAWINGS, Elementary Drawings and INPUTS/OUTPUTSArgument Outline SX-3 and SR-3 Package Size Drawings and INPUTS/OUTPUTS Section DRAWINGS, Elementary Drawings and INPUTS/OUTPUTS ControlPIN Connections to Main Plug 23 PIN and Y Plug 12 PINDiagnostic Status Codes Cable Spacing Guidelines High-Level Signals Level HMedium-Power Signals Level MP 2.d. High Power Signals Level HPReconnect plugs Cleaner328A1777G1 General Troubleshooting Instructions Status Code No seat switch or deadman switchTraction Control Codes TractionDescription of Status Cause of Status Indication Reverse directional switch is closed onAccelerator depressed with no Start switch fails to closeDirection selected KEY Negative Both the forward and reverse Directional switches are closed atSame time Initial key switch closure Start switch closed on power up afterDischarged battery Reverse direction Motor field current is high on start upForward direction Run mode Volts DC Power supply is less than 10 voltsMotor field current is too high during Traction Controller Slave/auxiliary control Open thermal protector TP or Transistor over temperatureProperly Motor armature offset voltage is tooLow Armature transistor did not turn offArmature transistor did not turn on Than 12% of battery voltsLook Ahead test for A2 volts less Capacitor volts are low before the line Motor field current is too low duringContactor closes Input too low during running Controller motor current sensorLine driver input P2-17 is less Description Armature transistor limit Armature current exceedsVerify connection between the master control P21 Traction Status Code Symptom TMM Status Codes TemperatureSteer Plug P5 pump is shorted to positive Plug P8 pump is shorted to positive Corrective Actions TROUBLE-SHOOTING Diagram YES Pump SymptomPossible Cause Open thermal protector TP1 or Transistor is over temperatureControl range No power to pump motorPump Controller motor current Sensor input is missingWith no pump contactor, control Power Transistor Q1 did notPower Transistor Q1 did not turn on Turn off properlyContactor closes Capacitor volts are low after the lineSensor input voltage polarity Controller motor currentCheck Voltage at capacitor 1C is less than Volts Battery voltage is less thanTMM7A TMM7A Outline Drawings 3 TMM Pump Control ConnectionsSTART-UP Display Sequence Adjustable FeaturesAction Accessing Stored Status Codes With GE HandsetRemarks Function Function 10 Field Current for Regen Function 16 Stall Trip Point with % ON-TIME Push Battery VoltsBattery volts Set units Internal Resistance CompensationFunction 25 Monitor Function 19 Maintenance Code Tens and Units Hours SETFunction 26 Base Ratio Function 51 Mode 1 MAX Armature % on Function 49 Mode 1 Field Weakening Start PushFunction 28 Stored Status Code Count Pointer Push Function 59 Mode 3 MAX Armature % on Function 52 Mode 2 Armature Controlled AccelerationFunction 55 Mode 2 MAX Armature % on Function 57 Mode 3 Field Weakening StartField Current Summary of Current Limit AdjustmentsFunction 14 not Applicable Function Current LimitFunction 16 Speed / Torque Compensation Function 50 Mode 1 Speed Limit 3 SL3 Speed / Torque Compensation Table Voltage SettingFunction 48 Mode 1 Controlled Acceleration Push Function 49 Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 SL2 PushFunction 59 not Applicable Function 53 Mode 2 Speed Limit 2 SL2Function 54 Mode 2 Speed Limit 3 SL3 Function 55 not ApplicableConnections Dash DisplaysApplication Standard Dash DisplaysOutline Drawings Start-Up Display SequenceSetup Turn Angle Potentiometer InstallationOperation Degree Potentiometer for Steer Angle Input Degree Potentiometer Left Right Traction Control RS-232 Memory MAP TablesRestrictions Function Reset to Zero Only HoursThou/Hun Reset to Zero Only Stored Status Code #5Reset to Zero Only Stored Status Code #6 Reset to Zero Only HoursTens/OnesNone Reset to Zero Only Stored Status Code #16Reset to Zero Only Dash Display CA-1 Dash Display FWS-1 None Dash Display Ratio2-1