Appendix A: UBA parameters
(Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and later)
This appendix provides UNIX reference pages for each of the
The following pages provide a reference for the UBA parameters that this technology pack provides. The reference pages have the following sections:
•Parameter name. Each reference page begins with the parameter name, using the following syntax:
—device specifies the name of the device.
—instance specifies the group alias, typically a string that represents the name of the technology pack.
—schema specifies the string passed to the input schema object referenced in the bulk adaptor design file.
—parameter_name specifies the name of the parameter.
In the Detail sections of the reference pages, parameter names in the descriptions are typically referenced as schema.parameter_name or simply parameter_name. The descriptions do not reference the device or instance part of the parameter name.
•Description. A short description that identifies the purpose of the parameter.
•Component. The DataChannel application or component to which the parameter applies. The value specified for this parameter controls the behavior of this DataChannel application. This section can contain the following values:
—BLB specifies the DataChannel BLB (Bulk Load Balancer) application.
—IF specifies the DataChannel Inventory File (IF) application. Examples of IF applications include:
•SAMIF specifies the IF application for the
•QCIF specifies the IF application for the
•CWMIF specifies the IF application for the Cisco CWM Technology Pack.
—UBA specifies the DataChannel UBA application.
Most UBA technology packs operate with only the UBA application.
•Value. Specifies the following information:
—Default identifies the default value, if one is specified, for the parameter.
—Attribute specifies whether the parameter is writable.
—Location specifies the location of the parameter in the Topology Editor.
•Detail. Provides details about the parameter, including possible values.
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack | 63 |