IBM R2E2 manual Supported MIBs, Bulk input file formats

Page 13

Chapter 2: Devices and Services

In addition, the following enterprise parameters must be set:

LocalCDRPath — A directory for local CDR files written by Cisco CallManager. If this value is empty or invalid, the CDR files will not be moved.

PrimaryCDRUNCPath — A central collection point for CDR files. If this value is empty or invalid, the CDR files will not be moved. The installation procedure sets this parameter.

CDRFormat — A parameter that determines whether the files are written to the database. The value specifies either FLAT or DB. Default value: DB.

For performance reasons, the Tivoli Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack collects CDRs using SQL requests, not flat files. Tivoli Netcool/Proviso does not support FLAT for CDR collection.

PrimaryCDRDSN — An optional parameter that references the primary CDR server on which to insert CDRs. The referenced system does not need Cisco CallManager installed, but does need SQL server and a CDR database.

This parameter allows movement of the CDRs off of the Cisco CallManager cluster. If this parameter is missing, CDRs are written locally to the PrimaryCDRUNCPath.

CDRFlatFileInterval — A parameter that determines the amount of time, in minutes, that a CDR file can be written to before Cisco CallManager closes the CDR file and opens a new one.

Supported MIBs

This technology pack uses the following MIB files:







Bulk input file formats

The Cisco IP Telephony devices gather performance data and other statistics from multiple network elements. This data is referred to collectively as network health metrics. Each Cisco IP Telephony device produces, on an hourly basis, a bulk input file that contains the network health metrics and other information.

The Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack supports multiple input files, where each input file contains data for one polling period only.

The syntax for these bulk input files is discussed in Bulk input file name on page 10.

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack


Image 13
Contents IBM Copyright IBM Corp Contents Contents Organization AudienceTivoli Netcool/Proviso documentation Tivoli Netcool/Proviso product suiteSummary of Device Technology OverviewCategories of Service Reporting Source of Collected Data Collection Type Sources of Collected DataPort for SQL Access Troubleshooting Note for SQL RequestsDevices and Services Prerequisites Snmp AccessBulk input file formats Supported MIBsBulk input file name Bulk input file schemaBulk adaptor design files Devices and Services Reporter sets Supported Reports and KPIsReporter set summary Reporter set tree Reporter set contents Cluster Call Distribution Resource Cluster Quality ResourceCluster Call Distribution Group Cluster Quality Group Top 10 Cluster Call CompletionCluster Utilization Group Top 10 Cluster Number of Calls Top 10 Cluster Number of ErrorsCluster VoiceMail Usage Resource Cluster IP vs Legacy ResourceCluster Erlang-B Group Cluster Utilization MLH ResourceExtension CDR Utilization Resource CDR Quality ResourceCDR Call Distribution Resource Top 10 CDR Number of ErrorsTop 10 CDR Number of Calls Top 10 CDR Call Completion CDR VoiceMail Usage ResourceTop 10 CDR Call Duration CDR Quality GroupFactor Factor Resource CDR Call Distribution GroupFactor Group Top 10 CDR K-Factor Codec Errors on Cluster by CodecCCM Sql Server Resource CallManager Server CCM Server Quality ResourceCCM Sql Server Group Pstn Gateway E1/T1Availability Resource Pstn Gateway Interface Top 10 E1/T1 Utilization ResourcePstn Gateway E1/T1 Interface Utilization Resource Device Pstn Gateway Device Quality ResourceDSP Card Pstn Gateway DSP Card Resource Pstn Gateway Availability ResourceMedia Devices Media Device Resource Media Device GroupGatekeeper Device Quality Resource Gatekeeper Availability Resource Gatekeeper Availability Resource Detail ChartGatekeeper Interface Availability Resource Gatekeeper Interface Utilization Resource Detail ChartGatekeeper Interface Utilization Resource Perfmon Perfmon Active Calls ResourcePerfmon Security Group Perfmon Active Calls GroupPerfmon Security Resource Perfmon Pstn Group Perfmon Pstn ResourcePerfmon MOH Resource Perfmon MOH GroupKey performance indicators Key performance indicatorsCCR Supported Reports and KPIs Key performance indicators ClusterLocalCall Key performance indicators ICR Unknown or unsupported protocol Mlqk MOS SCS Key performance indicators Before you begin Configuring the technology packCd /opt/datamart Configure the technology packOpt/datamart/dataMart.env Pvm YourDataSource1 Generates output from a CDR file and its associated CMR file If true, ProvisoCUCM requests CDR and CMR data from the Cucm Request DataChannel host that requested them Report navigation by customer Name you pass to the object Tivoli Netcool/Proviso v4.4.3 and later Where Datachannelhome Specifies the channel number for example, 1 that you Success message Meaning Syntax item Verifying resources Device.instance.schema.parametername Description InstancesComponent ValueVoipciscoipt Instances VOIPCISCOIPT.CCMINPUT.DELETEONACQUIRE VOIPCISCOIPT.CCMINPUT.URI VOIPCISCOIPT.CDRINPUT.DELETEONACQUIRE VOIPCISCOIPT.CDRINPUT.URI VOIPCISCOIPT.DESIGNFILE VOIPCISCOIPT.DESIGNFILE VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTDIRECTORY VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTDIRECTORY VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTFTPPASSWORD VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTFTPUSERNAME VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTHOST VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTHOST VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTUSESECUREFTP VOIPCISCOIPT.INPUTUSESECUREFTP VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.DESIGNFILE VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.INPUTDIRECTORY VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.INPUTFTPPASSWORD VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.INPUTFTPUSERNAME VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.INPUTHOST VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.INPUTUSESECUREFTP VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.PERFMON.DELETEONACQUIRE VOIPCISCOIPTPERFMON.PERFMON.URI Pack-specific UBA parameters Template file name and locationUBA Parameter Value Meaning Additional information about UBA parametersDbusername URIExample UBA.1.101.VOIPCISCOIPT.CCMINPUT.DELETEONACQUIRE=false Page Page Trademarks Copyright IBM Corp Page Tcl 8.3.3, Combat/TCL 0.7.3, Combat/TCL 0.7.5, TclX 8.3, TK Additional Copyright InformationAdditional Copyright information Scotty 2.8, incrTCL 3.0, incr TCL BLT 2.4uUCD Snmp Regex 1.1a JdomXwpick Page IBM