Ultimate 106 – Edition 1 – Issue 3 - 18.12.02 – 5129
Connecting a fax machine
You can set a fax machine as one of your extensions. This also enables incoming fax calls to be recognised automatically, using either the BT Call Sign service or the Ultimate 106 Call Director.
To set a fax machine as an extension
In program mode.
Ext Enter the Fax extension number
12 is set to normal”.
5Enter this code.
Ext Enter the extension number you want to set as a fax machine
#To confirm.
3To set automatic fax tone sensing when the Call Director mode is switched on. This sends incoming fax calls direct to the fax machine when the fax tone is detected. Your Ultimate 106 announces,
for example: “Extension 12 is set for fax”.
4To set automatic recognition of incoming calls when you are subscribing to BT Call Sign service. Incoming calls with the distinctive ring will be diverted to this extension. Ringing at other extensions is delayed for two rings and therefore other extensions will not ring at all for incoming calls with the distinctive ring. Your Ultimate 106
5To set automatic recognition of incoming calls when you are subscribing to BT Call Sign service. Ringing at all extensions starts immediately but will stop if the distinctive ring is detected, in that case only this extension will continue to ring, Your Ultimate 106
announces, for example: “Extension 12
Call Sign on, delay off”.
Please note that you may need to set your fax machine to automatic, or add a ring delay to this extension.
A voicemail box cannot be assigned
to a fax extension.
To cancel a fax extension
In program mode.
Ext Enter the Fax extension number
12 is set to normal”.
Resetting the system
If you wish to
A reset will clear all the settings you have made. It will also reset the memory and clear all the voice messages, outgoing messages and speed
announces, for example: “Extension 12
Call Sign on, delay on”.
dial numbers.