Setup and special configurations
Resetting all paired devices
Sometimes you may find it necessary to delete all the pairing references stored in the BTX1 unit (reset operation).
To perform this operation you must first enter the setup mode: ›› Turn off the unit
›› Press and hold down the “Middle” button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
›› Than simultaneously press and hold down the “Volume +” and “Volume
›› Double click on the“Middle”button to exit the“Setup”mode and use the BTX1. This procedure deletes all the paired Bluetooth devices stored in the memory and it is therefore possible to start a new “clean” pairing session.
Back to factory setting
Sometimes you may find it necessary to go back to the factory setting, to reset all the changes/setup already made and have a “clean” unit.
To perform this operation you must first enter the setup mode: ›› Turn off the unit
›› Press and hold down the “Middle” button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
›› Than simultaneously press and hold down all the three buttons “Forward”-
›› Double click on the“Middle”button to exit the“Setup”mode and use the BTX1.
Adjusting/ Disabling the VOX feature (Intercom and telephone)
The Intercom feature can be enabled both manually and vocally (VOX). The VOX activation is influenced by the background noise and therefore by the speed.
For optimum results, it is possible to choose one of the following four microphone sensitivity levels: high, medium, low and very low. The default setting of BTX1 is “low”. It is also possible to disable the VOX feature in order to activate the Inter- com and phone call answering features in manual mode only.
Adjusting the sensitivity of the microphone (VOX)
To perform this operation you must first enter the setup mode:
1.Turn off the unit
2.Press and hold down the “Middle” button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
3.Your BTX1 is now in “Set up mode”.
4.Press the “Rear” button until the red light indicator changes to a steady blue.
5.Now, press “Volume +” or “Volume
6.Press again the “Backward” button; the Blue light will flash several times, in order to let you know the selected sensitivity:
One flash = VOX disabled Twice = very low sensitivity 3 times= low sensitivity
4 times= medium sensitivity (default setting)
5 times = high sensitivity
The light indicator is now back to steady RED (“Set up mode”) and the changes are confirmed
7.If needed, you can adjust again the sensitivity repeating the steps from point 1, otherwise exit the Setting mode by double clicking the “Middle” button. Once the red light turns off, the blue led starts blinking. Now you can use your BTX1.
Disabling the VOX feature (Intercom and telephone)
Follow all the procedure described in the previous steps and choose the option of only one flash (VOX disabled).
Wired connection always in background
This feature let you keep the wired connection always on, even when the phone or the intercom is open. This feature can be useful when you connect a PMR446 transceiver.
By default this option is on.
›› Enter the “Setup” mode: ›› Turn off the unit
›› Press and hold down the “Middle” button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
›› Press the “Forward” and “Middle” button together for 3 seconds. The blue LED will flash twice.
›› Double click on the“Middle”button to exit the“Setup”mode and use the BTX1.
Follow the same procedure up described; now the blue LED will flash once. To exit the “Setup” mode, double click the “Middle” button.