Kompernass PEBS 900 manual Careful handling and use of electrical power tools

Page 7

General safety advice for electrical power tools

hair, clothing and gloves clear of mov- ing parts. Loose clothing, jewellery or long hair can become trapped in moving parts.

g)If vacuum dust extraction and collec- tion devices are fitted do not forget to check that they are properly connected and correctly used. The use of these de- vices reduces the hazard presented by dust.

4.Careful handling and use of electrical power tools

a)Do not overload the device. Always use an electrical power tool that is intended for the task you are under- taking. By using the right electrical power tool for the job you will work more safely and achieve a better result.

b)Do not use an electrical power tool if its switch is defective. An electrical power tool that can no longer be switched on and off is dangerous and must be repaired.

c)Pull the mains plug from the socket before you make any adjustments to the device, change accessories or when the device is put away. This pre- caution is intended to prevent you from uninten- tionally starting the device.

d)When not in use always ensure that electrical power tools are kept out of reach of children. Do not let anyone use the device if he or she is not fa- miliar with it or has not read the instructions and advice. Electrical power tools are dangerous when they are used by inexperienced people.

e)Look after the device carefully. Check that moving parts are working prop- erly and move freely. Check for any parts that are broken or damaged enough to detrimentally affect the functioning of the device. Have dam- aged parts repaired before you use the device. Many accidents have their ori- gins in poorly maintained electrical power tools.

f)Keep cutting tools clean and sharp. Carefully maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to jam and are easier to control.

g)Use the electrical power tool, acces- sories, inserted tools etc. in accord- ance with these instructions and advice, and the stipulations drawn up for this particular type of device. In doing this, take into account the working conditions and the task in hand. The use of electrical power tools for purposes other than those intended can lead to dangerous situations.

Safety advice for belt sanders

JDanger of fire from flying sparks! Sanding metal creates flying sparks. For this reason, always make sure that nobody is placed in any danger and that there are no inflammable materials near the working area.

JWhen undertaking prolonged sanding of wood, and in particular when working on ma- terials that give rise to dusts that are hazardous to health, the sander must be connected to a suitable external dust extraction device.

JEnsure that there is adequate ventilation when working on plastic, paint, varnish etc.

JThe belt sander is designed for the dry sanding of large surfaces of wood, plastic, metal and plaster and painted surfaces. The device is to be used for dry sanding only.

JDo not sand materials containing asbestos. Asbestos is a known carcinogen.

Warning! POISONOUS DUSTS! Sanding paints containing lead, some types of wood and metal for example may give rise to hazardous or poisonous dusts and represents a risk to the health of the person operating the device and to anyone near the work area.

Wear safety glasses and a dust protection mask!



Image 7
Contents Bedienungs- und Sicherheitshinweise Seite Operation and Safety Notes Käyttö- ja turvaohjeetBandschleifer Υποδείξεις χειρισμού και ασφαλείας ΣελίδαPage Table of content Proper use Features and equipmentIntroduction Belt sander Pebs IntroductionTechnical information Included items180 - 340 m / min Personal safety General safety advice for electrical power toolsWorkplace safety Electrical safetySafety advice for belt sanders Careful handling and use of electrical power toolsWear safety glasses and a dust protection mask Preparing for use Advice on useTensioning / changing the sanding belt Vacuum dust extraction Switching on and offDust extraction using external vacuum extraction Preparing for use / OperationOperation Using the sander in a fixed mountingSelecting the correct rotational speed and sanding belt Tips and tricks Maintenance and cleaning InformationService centre DisposalDeclaration of conformity / Producer InformationWe, Kompernaß GmbH, Burgstr Sisällysluettelo Määräystenmukainen käyttö AluksiNauhahiomakone Pebs VarustusTyöpaikkaturvallisuus Aluksi / Sähkötyökaluja koskevat yleiset turvaohjeetToimituslaajuus Tekniset tiedotSähkötyökalujen huolellinen käsittely ja käyttö Sähkötyökaluja koskevat yleiset turvaohjeetSähköturvallisuus Henkilöiden turvallisuusKäytä suojalaseja ja hengityssuo- jainta Nauhahiomakonetta koskevia turvaohjeitaPölyn imeminen pois KäyttöönottoHiomanauhan kiristäminen / vaihtaminen TyöskentelyohjeetKytkeminen päälle ja pois päältä Käyttöönotto / Käyttö Kierrosluvun ja hiomanauhan valitseminen Huolto ja puhdistus Käyttö / Huolto ja puhdistusVakiotyöt Ohjeita ja vinkkejäYhdenmukaisuus / Valmistaja Huolto ja puhdistus / Hävittäminen / TietojaHävittäminen HuoltoPage Användning InnehållsförteckningInledning Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar för elverktygAvsedd användning InledningBandslip Pebs De olika delarnaAllmänna säkerhetsan- visningar för elverktyg Inledning / Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar för elverktygLeveransen ingår Tekniska dataUndvik personskador p.g.a. strömstötar Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar för elverktygElsäkerhet PersonsäkerhetSäkerhetsanvisningar för bandslip Omsorgsfull hantering och användning av elverktygAnvänd skyddsglasögon och damm- skyddsmask Dammsugning Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar för elverktyg / AnvändningByta / spänna slipband ArbetstipsVarvtal Högt Användning / HandhavandeVälja varvtal och slipband Dammsugning med extern uppsugningRengöring och skötsel Handhavande / Rengöring och skötsel / AvfallshanteringStationärt arbete Tips och tricksKasta inte elverktyg i hushållssoporna ServiceAvfallshantering / Information Konformitetsdeklaration / TillverkarintygPage Indholdsfortegnelse Anvendelse efter formålet IndledningBåndsliber Pebs UdrustningTekniske data Leverancens indholdGenerelle sikkerheds- instrukser for elektrisk værktøj Personlig sikkerhed Generelle sikkerhedsinstrukser for elektrisk værktøjSikkerhed på arbejdsstedet Elektrisk sikkerhedSikkerhedsbestemmelser for båndslibemaskine Omhu i omgangen med og anvendelsen af elektriske redskaberEt ringe slibetryk er tilstrækkeligt Indspændig / udskiftning af slibebåndRåd om arbejdet Undlad at behandle fugtige materialer eller fugtige fladerIndstilling af omdrejningstal og valg af slibebånd Ibrugtagning / BetjeningStøvopsugning Igangsætning og slukningStationært arbejde BetjeningBåndsliberen er pasningsfri Tips og tricksPasning og rengøring BortskaffelseKonformitetserklæring / Fremstiller InformationerVi, Kompernaß GmbH, Burgstr Komme i gang InnholdsfortegnelseInnledning Generelle sikkerhetsanvisninger for elektroverktøyForskriftsmessig bruk InnledningBåndsliper Pebs UtstyrGenerelle sikkerhetsanvis- ninger for elektroverktøy LeveringsomfangN0 345 - 645 rpm Generelle sikkerhetsanvisninger for elektroverktøy Sikkerhetsanvisninger for båndsliper Arbeidshenvisninger Innspenning og bytte av slipebåndStøvavsug Til- og frakobling Komme i gang / BetjeningValg av turtall og slipeark Horisontalt arbeid se fig. E Stasjonært arbeidGrovsliping Kornstørrelse Finsliping 120 Valg av turtall Grovsliping Kornstørrelse Finsliping 150 Valg av turtallErklæring om samsvar / Produsent Tips og TriksVedlikehold og rengjøring AvfallshåndteringPage Πίνακας περιεχομένων Εξοπλισμός ΕισαγωγήΤριβέας με ιμάντα Pebs Eισαγωγή Χρήση σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούςΙμάντας λείανσης 75 x 533 mm Κλάση προστασίας II /  Περιεχόμενα παράδοσηςΤεχνικά δεδομένα Ισχύς 900 W Ταχύτητα Ιμάντα ρελαντί 180 - 340 m / minΘέση εργασίας-ασφάλεια Γενικές υποδείξεις ασφάλειας για ηλεκτρικά εργαλείαΗλεκτρική ασφάλεια Ασφάλεια ατόμων Ηλεκτρονικών συσκευών Ασφαλής λειτουργία και χρήσηΤάνυση / αντικατάσταση ιμάντα λείανσης Υποδείξεις ασφάλειας για μηχανές λείανσης με ιμάνταΥποδείξεις εργασίας Θέση σε λειτουργίαΑναρρόφηση σκόνης Ενεργοποίηση και απενεργοποίηση Θέση σε λειτουργία / ΧειρισμόςΕπιλογή αριθμούς στροφών και ιμάντα λείανσης Στατική εργασία Σέρβις Συμβουλές και τρικΣυντήρηση και καθαρισμός ΑπόσυρσηΔήλωση συμμόρφωσης / Κατασκευαστής ΠληροφορίεςPage Inhaltsverzeichnis Ausstattung EinleitungBandschleifer Pebs Einleitung Bestimmungsgemäßer GebrauchGehörschutz tragen LieferumfangTechnische Daten Bandschleifer Pebs Schleifband StaubfangboxSicherheit von Personen Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise für ElektrowerkzeugeArbeitsplatz-Sicherheit Elektrische SicherheitSicherheitshinweise für Bandschleifer Verwendung und Behandlung des ElektrowerkzeugsGeringer Schleifdruck genügt Schleifband einspannen / wechselnArbeitshinweise Tragen Sie Schutzbrille und Staub- schutzmaskeStaubabsaugung Inbetriebnahme / BedienungEin- und Ausschalten Drehzahl und Schleifband wählen BedienungStationäres Arbeiten Vertikales Arbeiten siehe Abb. F Tipps und TricksWartung und Reinigung EntsorgungBochum Hans Kompernaß Geschäftsführer InformationenKonformitätserklärung / Hersteller Wir, Kompernaß GmbH, Burgstr