keypad, enter text, 32
labels load, 12
language setup, 95 light
copy, 99 lighten
faxes, 39 lights
troubleshooting, 93 load
paper, 11
maintenance, 63
align print cartridges, 70 clean exterior, 65 clean glass, 63
clean print cartridge contacts, 71
clean print cartridges, 70 clean scanner lid white strip,
replace print cartridges, 67 restore factory defaults, 72
set scroll speed, 73 manual fax reports, 35 memory
reprint faxes, 49 menu overview, 5 missing
front panel bezel, 113
ink in text or graphics, 100 last page in printout, 103 paper, 112
print cartridge, 109 modem. See PC modem monitor dialing, 22
normal copy setting, 52 nothing happens when I try to
copy, 101 number of copies
copy, 54
order media, 61
other supplies, 61 print cartridges, 61
user guide
automatic document feeder jam, 114
automatic document feeder load fails, 114
avoid jams, 14 feed fails, 102 incorrect custom size, 112 jam, 113
legal to letter copy, 55, 56 load, 7
load in input tray, 11 load originals, 15 load other types, 12 mismatch error, 114 missing from printout, 103 order, 61
out of, 112 paper sizes, 118 papers to avoid, 10 recommended, 10 recommended copy types,
size, set for copy, 13 size, set for fax, 42 type, set, 13
paper jam, 96 paper mismatch error
message, 114 paper specifications, 117
PC modem
set up with fax line, 84 set up with voice/fax line,
set up with voice/fax/ answering machine line,
phone numbers, customer support, 125
enhance copies, 58 fax, 19
fit to page, 55
photo print cartridge, 109 physical specifications, 118 poll to receive fax, 29 power specifications, 119 powering on, 96
fax reports, 33 faxes in memory, 49 missing last page, 103
print cartridge empty, 96, 98 print cartridges
align, 70
alignment required, 110, 111
clean, 70
clean contacts, 71 handle, 67 incorrect, 109 missing, 109 order, 61
out of ink, 109
photo print cartridge, 109 replace, 67
printing error, 96, 98
printing, unsatisfactory, 96, 98 problems
status lights, 93 prompt delay, set, 73 pulse dial, 42
quality copy, 52
receive faxes, 27, 28, 29 redial fax, 20, 44 reduce faxes to fit, 45 reduce/enlarge copies
fit to page, 55
resize to fit letter, 55, 56 regulatory notices, 121
Canadian statement, 122 declaration of conformity
(U.S.), 124
FCC requirements, 121 FCC statement, 122 notice to users in Canada,
regulatory model identification number,
replace print cartridges, 67 replace telephone cord, 72 replacing, 72
fax, automatic, 33 fax, manual, 35