Fire alarm panel
The fire alarm panel is located in the control cabinet in IT section A and receives signals from the VESDA or manual fire pulls if an alarm condition exists. If an alarm condition does exist, the fire alarm panel activates the fire alarm indicators and sends a signal to the site fire alarm system, if installed.
The fire alarm panel also has a battery backup system that provides backup power to the fire detection system in the event of power loss to the HP POD 240e NA.
The control panel includes the following components:
•Alarm status LED
•Trouble status LED
•Input status LED
•Output status LED
•Acknowledge button
•Alarm Silence button
•System Reset button
Fire detection sequence of operations
There are two initiation sequences for the fire detection system, automatic (VESDA) initiation and manual initiation. The fire strobe light is activated by either initiation sequence.
The fire alarm horn will sound in a temporal mode for any VESDA or manual fire pull initiation.
The fire system operator panel indicates which initiation sequence is active, using the indicator lights and a panel alarm. These signals are also available to the site BMS system, if they are connected.
VESDA initiation
When smoke is detected, the VESDA fire detection system cycles through two levels, as described below.
Manual initiation
Manual initiation triggers the fire alarm, causes the fire strobe lights to illuminate, and sounds the horn.
Fire alarm indicators
Upon activation of a fire alarm within the HP POD 240e NA, the following alarms alert personnel:
•Strobe lights
•Alarm within the ECS
Life safety systems 23