Motorola 6809494A40-O manual Contents

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OAKLEY RAZRWIRE™ is the first eyewear to combine patented Oakley optics



with wireless Bluetooth technology. It frees you from wires by offering


hands-free mobile communications anywhere and everywhere you want to be.

Fully integrated electronics let you easily handle incoming and outgoing calls to

your Bluetooth enabled cell phone from a range of up to thirty-three feet. Answer

a call instantly without digging for your cell phone. Carry on a phone conversation

without being tethered by a headset wire. The ultra-lightweight design offers the

comfort, protection and clarity of Oakley optics combined with third-generation

Motorola Bluetooth technology.










RAZRWIRE features Oakley's patented XYZ Optics , an innovation that

maximizes clarity at all angles of vision. The semi-rimless design means there's

no frame rim to block your downward view, and the durable Plutonite




material blocks all UV. For durability and all-day comfort, the frame is made of O

Luminum, an alloy 40% lighter than pure titanium. The adjustable design lets you

reposition the speaker to wherever it is comfortable. Custom engineered spring

hinges provide a secure, adaptable fit, and soft Unobtainium




increase grip with perspiration. You also get the optical precision and impact

protection found in Oakley's premium performance eyewear.




Package Contents

Sunglasses (Eyewear)

Bluetooth Module

Wall Charger

User’s Guide (this booklet)

MicroClear™ bag for cleaning and storage

Accessories Card

Oakley Registration Card

Rx Ready Card



Charging the Module


Assembling RAZRWIRE™


Mounting the Module on your Eyewear


Removing the Module from your Eyewear


Pairing RAZRWIRE™ with your Phone




Adjusting RAZRWIRE for a Comfortable Fit


Answering & Ending a Call


Turning the Module On & Off


Advanced RAZRWIRE™


Making Calls


Redialing the Last Dialed Call


Adjusting the Volume


Transferring Calls


Placing a Call on Mute


Toggling Phone Calls


Mounting the Module on the Left Side


of your Eyewear


RAZRWIRE™ Indicator Light and Audio Tone States


Safety and General Information




Consumer Warranty



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Contents Page Page Motorola, Inc Manual Number 6809494A40-O Oakley, Inc One Icon Foothill Ranch, CAContents Assembling Charging the ModuleMounting the Module on your Eyewear Select Oakley Razrwire Pairing With your PhoneRemoving the Module from your Eyewear Adjusting Razrwire for a Comfortable Fit UsingAnswering & Ending a Call Advanced Voice DialingMounting the Module on the Left Side Your EyewearIndicator Light and Audio Tone States Safety and General Information Safety Information Wireless DevicesSafety Information General Use Proper Care of your RazrwireBattery TemperatureCleaning ShockwaveConsumer Warranty Oakley Eyewear Warranty PolicyOakley Warranty Policy How to make a warranty claimMotorola Bluetooth Accessory Module Limited WarrantyWhat Does this Warranty Cover? Products and AccessoriesCanada Phones PagersInformation Following tipsAccessories available today Industry Canada Notice to UsersFCC Notice to Users Export Law AssurancesMotorola, Inc Numéro de manuel 6809494A40-OTable des matières Contenu de la boîteAssemblage de Charge de l’unitéMontage de l’unité sur vos lunettes de soleil Appariement de Avec votre téléphone Retrait de l’unité des lunettesUtilisation de Réglage de confort du dispositif RazrwireRéponse et fin d’un appel Avancé Composition vocaleMontage de l’unité sur le côté gauche des lunettes États indiqués par voyants lumineux et tonalités Une tonalité aiguëRenseignements généraux et de sécurité Consignes de sécurité utilisation généraleSoins à apporter au dispositif Razrwire Garantie du consommateur AssistancePolitique Oakley de garantie pour lunettes Produits et accessoires Comment obtenir le service sous garantie LogicielsQui est couvert? Engagement de MotorolaAssurance de la loi sur l’exportation Avis de la FCC aux utilisateursConseils de sécurité pour les téléphones cellulaires Número de manual 6809494A40-O Contenido Contenido del paqueteEl conjunto Carga de la unidadMontaje de la unidad en el lente Asociación Con el teléfono Seleccione Oakley RazrwireRemoción de la unidad del lente Uso de Ajuste de Razrwire para un uso cómodoContestación y finalización de llamadas Avanzado Marcado por vozInstalación de la unidad en el lado izquierdo del lente Estados de la luz indicadora y del tono de audio Información general y de seguridad Información de seguridad Dispositivos inalámbricosInformación de seguridad uso general Interferencia electromagnéticaCuidado correcto del Razrwire Soporte Garantía al consumidor Cómo mantener lo mejor en su mejor puntoPóliza de garantía Oakley Cómo hacer un reclamo de garantíaGarantía limitada del módulo accesorio Bluetooth De Motorola¿Qué cubre esta garantía? Productos y accesoriosCómo obtener servicio de garantía u otra información ¿Qué otras limitaciones existen?Aviso de la FCC para los usuarios Aviso de Industry Canada para los usuariosGarantías de la ley de exportaciones Oakley, Inc One Icon Foothill Ranch, CA Bluetooth da terceira geração SumárioConteúdo da Embalagem Sol OakleyMontando o Carregando a UnidadeMontando a Unidade no seu Óculos Selecione Oakley Razrwire Emparelhando o Com seu TelefoneUsando o Ajustando o Razrwire para um Uso ConfortávelAtendo e Finalizando uma Ligação Avançado Discagem por VozMontando a Unidade no Lado Esquerdo do seu Óculos Luz Indicadora e Tons de Áudio Informações Gerais e de Segurança Informações de Segurança Uso GeralCuidados Adequado com seu Razrwire Suporte Garantia do Cliente Como conservar o melhor do seu melhorPolítica de Garantia Oakley Como usar a garantiaDa Motorola Garantia Limitada do Módulo do Acessório BluetoothProdutos e Acessórios Dicas de Segurança do Celular Quem Recebe a Garantia?Que a Motorola Fará? Como Obter o Serviço de Garantia ou Outras InformaçõesAviso da FCC aos Usuários Aviso aos Usuários sobre a Indústria CanadenseGarantias da Lei de Exportação Page OAKLEY, INC A40-O