Taurus Group CA-2002 manual Instructions for use, Fan function, Heater function, Carry handle/s

Page 12

-This appliance is intended for adult use. Ensure that this product is not used by the disabled, children or people unused to its handling.

-This appliance should be stored out of reach of children and/or the disabled.

-Make sure that dust, dirt or other foreign objects do not block the fan grill on the appliance.

-Turn the thermostat control to the minimum (MIN) setting. This does not mean that the iron is switched off permanently.

-Any misuse or failure to follow the instruc- tions for use renders the guarantee and the manufacturer’s liability null and void.

Instructions for use

- Unroll the cable completely before plug- ging it in.

-Connect the appliance to the mains.

-Position the appliance to direct the airflow in the desired direction. (Fig. 3)

-Turn the appliance on, by using the selec- tion knob.

Fan function:

-Select the fan position.

-Check that the thermostat button is set to the maximum.

Heater function:

-Select the heater position.

-Select the desired heating power.

-Check that the thermostat control is set to the temperature required

Carry handle/s:

- This appliance has a handle on the back

to make it easy and convenient to transport. (Fig. 1)

Once you have finished using the ap- pliance:

-Select the minimum position (MIN) using the speed control.

-Stop the appliance, selecting position 0 on the selector control.

-Unplug the appliance from the mains.

Safety thermal protector:

-The appliance has a safety device, which protects the appliance from overheating.

-If the appliance turns itself off and does not switch itself on again, disconnect it from the mains supply, and wait for ap- proximately 5 minutes before reconnecting. If the machine does not start again seek authorised technical assistance.

Wall-mounted option (Fig. 2)

-Remove the adjustable foot from the appliance. To do so, press the two catches which support the swivel pins of the plate with regard to the appliance body.

-Use the adjustable foot as a template for marking the two mounting holes on the wall.

-Insert the plugs (not included) in the wall.

-Place the adjustable foot in the wall

and screw it into the plugs (screws not included).

-Fit the appliance body into the two catches which support the swivel pins of the adjustable foot.

-In the event that the appliance is mounted on a bathroom wall, position it in such a way that the socket, power supply cable, switches or other controls are not within the

Manual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 12

22.02.10 15:16:55

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Contents CA-2002 Manual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 22.02.10 Manual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 22.02.10 Español Calefactor CA-2002 Distinguido clienteDescripción Entorno de uso o trabajoUtilización y cuidados Modo de empleoFunción Ventilador Función CalefactorPosibilidad Montaje Mural Fig Desmontar Montaje MuralLimpieza Anomalías y reparaciónCatalà Seguretat elèctrica Utilització i curaInstruccions d’ús Funció VentiladorFunció Calefactor Un cop finalitzat l’ús de l’aparellNansa/es de transport Protector tèrmic de seguretatAnomalies i reparació Ecologia i reciclabilitat del producteCaracterístiques English Once you have finished using the ap- pliance Safety thermal protectorInstructions for use Fan functionDisassembly of the Wall-mounted CleaningAnomalies and repair Ecology and recyclability of the productSpecifications FrançaisChauffage soufflant CA-2002 Cher Client Conseils et mises en gardeMode d’emploi Sécurité électriqueUtilisation et précautions Fonction Ventilateur Fonction Chauffage soufflantLorsque vous avez fini de vous servir de l’appareil Poignée de TransportNettoyage Anomalies et réparationÉcologie et recyclage du produit Deutsch CaractéristiquesHeizgerät CA-2002 Sehr geehrter Kunde BeschreibungElektrische Sicherheit Gebrauch und PflegeGebrauchsanweisung Ventilator-Funktion HeizfunktionNach dem Gebrauch des Geräts TransportReinigung Störungen und ReparaturUmweltschutz und Recycelbarkeit des Produktes Italiano Sicurezza elettrica Precauzioni d’usoModalità d’uso Funzione Ventilatore Funzione RiscaldamentoDopo l’uso dell’apparecchio Maniglia/e di TrasportoPulizia Anomalie e riparazioniProdotto ecologico e riciclabile CaratteristichePortuguês Aquecimento CA-2002 Caro clienteDescrição Ambiente de utilização ou trabalhoUtilização e cuidados Modo de empregoFunção Ventiladora Função de AquecimentoPossibilidade de Montagem na Parede Fig LimpezaAnomalias e reparação Ecologia e reciclabilidade do produtoNederlands Gebruik en onderhoud GebruiksaanwijzingVentilatorfunctie VerwarmingsfunctieMogelijkheid muurmontage Abf Demontage muurbevestigingReiniging Defecten en reparatie KenmerkenPolski GrzejnikaOpis Otoczenie użycia i pracyUżywanie i konserwacja Instrukcja obsługiFunkcja Wentylatora Funkcja GrzejnikaUchwyty do przenoszenia Ochrona przed przegrzaniemMontaż naścienny Rys Demontaż naściennyNieprawidłowości i naprawa Ekologia i zarządzanie odpadamiCharakterystyka Αερόθερμο CA-2002 Εκλεκτέ μας πελάτη ΠεριγραφήΣυμβουλές και προειδοποιήσεις ασφαλείας Περιβάλλον εργασίας ή χρήσηςΧρήση και προσοχή Οδηγίες χρήσηςΛειτουργία ανεμιστήρα Λειτουργία Αερόθερμου Μόλις σταματήσετε να χρησιμοποιείτε την συσκευήΛαβή μεταφοράς Θερμική διάταξη ασφαλείαςΑποσυναρμολόγηση του Εντοιχισμού ΚαθαρισμόςΔυσλειτουργίες και επισκευή Οικολογία και δυνατότητα ανακύκλωσης του προϊόντοςΧαρακτηριστικά ОписаниеРекомендации и меры безопасности Рекомендации по установкеРекомендации по безопасности для жизни и здоровья Инструкция по эксплуатации Режим вентилятораРежим обогревателя После каждого использованияУстановка обогревателя на стену Рис Чистка и уходНеисправности и способы их устранения Экология и защита окружающей средыТехнические характеристики Stimate client DescriereaSfaturi si avertizãri privind sigurant Zona de utilizare sau de lucruUtilizare şi îngrijire Mod de utilizare Funcţia ventilareFuncţia încălzire Odată încheiată utilizarea aparatuluiDesfacere Montaj Mural CurãtireaAnomalii si reparatii Caracterul ecologic şi reciclabil al produsuluiCaracteristici Печка CA-2002Основни части Съвети и предупреждения за безопасностЕлектрическа безопасност Използване и поддръжкаНачин на употреба Функция ВентилаторФункция Печка След употреба на уредаПочистване Неизправности и ремонт ХарактеристикиManual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 22.02.10 Manual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 22.02.10 Manual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 22.02.10 Manual CA 2002 Jan 2010.indd 22.02.10 Avda. Barcelona, s/n Oliana Spain