INTUITY Multimedia Messaging User’s Guide | Issue 2 |
| January 1997 |
How the System Interprets | Page 46 |
Fractions | The system recognizes a slash (/) with a number before and after |
and | it as a fraction. For example, for 1/3, the system says “one third.” |
Decimals | The system also recognizes decimal points. For example, for |
| 2.50, the system says “two point five zero.” |
Punctuation1 | The system ignores most punctuation, including the following: |
■Comma (,)
■Exclamation point (!)
■Parentheses ()
■Colon and semicolon
■Brackets, both square [ ] and curly { }
■Question mark (?)
■Slash (/) and backslash (\)
■Double quotes (“)
■Smily face — colon and right parenthesis ( :) )
■Apostrophe (‘). NOTE: The system pronounces contractions correctly.
1.The system ignores a period(.) at the end of a sentence or when a space follows the period. The system says “period” if text follows the period. For example, U.S.A. is pronounced “U period S period A.”