Kompernass KH3462-02/08-V1 manual Operation, Operating the appliance, Processing meat

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IB_KH3462_E3341_LB3 04.03.2008 15:47 Uhr

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First place the plastic disc and then the metal disc of the biscuit attachment q into the meat grinder casing t (see fold-out side).

Position the biscuit attachment q so that the indentations on the biscuit attachment q lie on the fixing points in the meat grinder casing t.

When everything has been correctly assembled, screw the ring clamp a on until it is handtight.

Re-attach the pattern strips q to the front part of the biscuit attachment q. Ensure that the grip on the pattern strips q points away from the appliance. If it does not, you will not be able to adjust the pattern, which is located directly on the grip.

Assemble the meat grinder casing t as described under a).

To dismantle it, you must first remove the pattern strips q before you can screw open the ring clamp a and take the biscuit attachment q out.

6. Operation


Do not use the appliance for longer than 15 minutes continuously. To avoid an overheating of the app- liance, after such a period switch it off and allow it to cool down for ca. 30 minutes.


NEVER activate the buttons ON or REV, with a change of rotation direction, if the appliance motor has not come to a complete stop. This could damage the motor.

a) Operating the appliance

Once the appropriate attachments have been fixed:

Place the appliance where it will at all times be absolutely stable and under no circumstances could it fall off of the work surface or in any way come into contact with water (due to vibrations or becoming snagged in the power cable). Vi- bration is unavoidable when it is working.


Never touch a machine, which is plugged in or is operational when it happens to fall or land in water

or in the case of other emergencies! First unplug the appliance in all emergency situations! Otherwise one runs the risk of serious injury or loss of life!

Place the food to be processed into the feed tray e and position a container under the exit ope- ning to collect the processed food.

First press the OFF button to check that the appli- ance is still switched off. Otherwise there is a risk that the appliance could unintentionally start when the plug is inserted into the power socket.

Then put the plug into the socket.

Press the button ON to start the appliance.

Now push in the food into the feeding shaft with the round stodger w – NEVER with one’s fingers, forks, spoons or similar object. This could lead to injury and also damage the appliance.


Do not ever press so hard that the motor gets audibly slower. This could overburden the machine under pressure and damage it.

b) Processing meat

Only use meat pieces which are not larger than 2 cm. Check that the meat does not have any bones and or tendons.

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Contents Mincer CVKH3462E3341LB3V1.qxd 04.03.2008 1215 Uhr Seite Operation ContentItems supplied Technical dataSafety Instructions Mincer KHTo avoid the risk of accidents and injuries Assembly / DisassemblyAssembling the meat grinder Assembling the kubbe attachment Assembling the sausage attachmentAssembling the biscuit pastry attachments Once the appropriate attachments have been fixed OperationOperating the appliance Processing meatTip Using the kubbe attachmentNever open the housing of the motor block r Processing sausage meatWhen the drive runs smoothly again, release the REV button Troubleshooting CleaningCleaning the motor block Cleaning the accessoriesStore the appliance in a dry place Warranty and serviceStorage DisposalKubbe ImporterRecipes Liver loafLay the biscuits on a baking tray lined with baking paper Fresh Grill SausagesBiscuits Grill the sausages well and eat them on the same dayKäyttö Sisällysluettelo SivuTekniset tiedot Lihamylly KHKäyttötarkoitus Toimituksen piiriin kuuluvat osatHuomio Kokoaminen / purkaminenLihamyllyn kokoaminen VaaraPursotinosan asentaminen Makkarantäyttöosan asentaminenHuomaa Kubba-osan asentaminenMakkaran valmistus KäyttöLaitteen käyttö Lihan käsittelyPursotinpikkuleipien valmistus Virheen ilmetessäVihje Kubba-osan käyttöLisäosien puhdistaminen Säilytys10. Hävittäminen Moottorilohkon puhdistusAinekset Naudan- tai vasikanmaksaa Siankylkeä Sipuli Takuu ja huolto ReseptejäMaahantuoja Pohjoissaksalainen maksapaistosMuotoile kubba-kuoret kubba-osalla f ja pakasta ne Täyte KubbaTuoreet bratwurstit Tl suolaa 2 rkl jauhojaPursotinpikkuleivät Användning Innehållsförteckning SidanTekniska data Säkerhetsanvisningar Köttkvarn KHFöreskriven användning Leveransens omfattningOBS Montering/DemonteringFör att undvika risken för olyckor och skador Montera köttkvarnenMontera kaksprits Montera korvhornObservera Montera rulltillsats kubbetillsatsGöra korv AnvändningAnvända köttkvarnen Mala köttArbeta med rulltillsatsen kubbe- tillsatsen När något är felTips Varning TipsRengöra tillbehör Rengöring FörvaringKassering Rengöra motorblocketKa in produkten utan kostnad Garanti och service ImportörYrkesmässigt bruk Leverpastej ReceptKubbe Judisk specialitet Spritskakor Hemlagad bratwurstSide IndholdsfortegnelseTekniske data Kødhakker KHAnvendelsesformål Medfølger ved leveringForsigtig Samling/afmonteringSådan undgår du fare for uheld og personskade Samling af kødhakkerenMontering af kubbe-tilbehør Montering af pølsehornMontering af dejsprøjte Tilberedning af pølser BetjeningBetjening af maskinen Tilberedning af kødSluk straks for maskinen ved at trykke på OFF-knappen Hvis der opstår fejlSådan arbejder du med kubbe- tilbehøret Sådan bruger du dejsprøjtenRengøring af motorblok RengøringOpbevaring BortskaffelseGratis Garanti og service ImportørBrug Leberkäse. kan spises kold eller varm OpskrifterLeberkäse tysk leverpostej Ingredienser Okse- eller kalvelever Spæk LøgDej til dejsprøjte Frisk Rostbratwurst tysk medisterSpis den færdige godt gennemstegte Rostbratwurst samme dag Bruk InnholdsfortegnelseTekniske spesifikasjoner Sikkerhetshenvisninger Kjøttkvern KHHensiktsmessig bruk LeveringsomfangKniven i er veldig skarp! Fare for personskader Montere/demontereFor å forhindre ulykker og fare for personskader Montere kjøttkvernenMontere sprutbakkelsinnsatsen Montere pølsestappeinnsatsenHenvisning Montere kubbeinnsatsenBearbeiding av pølser BrukBetjening av apparatet Bearbeiding av kjøttHvis dette ikke hjelper, må du vente i enda 15 minutter Hvis det er feilfunksjonerBruke kubbeinnsatsen Framstille sprutbakkelsRengjøring av tilbehørsdeler OppbevaringDeponering Rengjøring av motorblokkenCa g flesk i skiver som pålegg Garanti og service OppskrifterLeverost Leberkäse Ingredienser Okse- eller kalvelever Flesk LøkAlternative fyll Fersk grillpølseIngredienser for hylsteret Ts revet muskat Klype chilipulver Klype pepperSprutbakkels Περιεχόμενα Προς αποφυγή κινδύνου ζωής από ηλεκτροπληξία Σκοπός χρήσηςΤεχνικά στοιχεία Υποδείξεις ασφαλείαςΛεπίδα i είναι πολύ κοφτερή! Κίνδυνος τραυματισμού Προς αποφυγή κινδύνου ατυχημάτων και τραυματισμούΣυναρμολόγηση της μηχανής κοπής κιμά ΠροσοχήΜοντάρισμα εξαρτήματος για κουλουράκια Μοντάρισμα εξαρτήματος KubbeΣημείωση Μοντάρισμα εξαρτήματος ώθησης για λουκάνικαΧειρισμός της συσκευής ΧειρισμόςΕφόσον έχετε μοντάρει τα επιθυμητά εξαρτήματα Εργασία με το εξάρτημα Kubbe Επεξεργασία κρέατοςΕπεξεργασία λουκάνικων ΥπόδειξηΚαθαρισμός Σε περίπτωση σφάλματοςΚαθαρισμός μονάδας κινητήρα Καθαρισμός εξαρτημάτων Διαφύλαξη10. Απόρριψη 11. Εγγύηση και σέρβις13. Συνταγές 12. ΕισαγωγέαςΛουκάνικο Λέμπερκεζε Φρέσκο ψητό λουκάνικο Kubbe Κούμπε250γρ. κολοκύθια στον ατμό 250γρ. βρασμένο ρύζι Κουλουράκια IBKH3462E3341LB3 04.03.2008 1547 Uhr Seite Seite InhaltsverzeichnisTechnische Daten Fleischwolf KHVerwendungszweck LieferumfangVorsicht Zusammenbauen / ZerlegenUm Unfall- und Verletzungsgefahr zu vermeiden Fleischwolf zusammenbauenSpritzgebäck-Aufsatz montieren Wurst-Stopf-Aufsatz montierenHinweis Kubbe-Aufsatz montierenVerwenden Sie das Gerät nicht länger als BedienenDas Gerät bedienen Fleisch verarbeitenSpritzgebäck herstellen Wurst verarbeitenTipp Arbeiten mit dem Kubbe-AufsatzMotorblock reinigen Im Fehlerfall ReinigenZubehörteile reinigen Entsorgung Garantie und ServiceAufbewahren Importeur RezepteLeberkäse Alternative Füllungen Frische RostbratwurstZutaten für die Hülle Kubbe-Hüllen mit dem Kubbe-Aufsatz und anfrieren FüllungSpritzgebäck