Kenmore 665.1404 manual START-UP /QUICK Reference Varies by Model, Performance, ONE loading on

Page 7



Cleaning the filters

periodically helps keep the

dishwasher working at

peak performance. The filters can be found at the bottom center of your dishwasher.



information on removing

and maintaining the filters.

Tall items placed in the lower rack may block the dispenser door. Cookie sheets and cutting boards loaded on the left-hand

side of the dishwasher can easily block the dispenser. If

detergent is inside of the dispenser or on the bottom of the tub after the cycle is

SmartWash ®"E provides optimal results






amount of water



Smart 1



The SmartWash

®"E and


Wash HE J

Pots & Pans cycles are recommended for










T .B z


some models)




ONE loading (on

When the

TURBOZONE TM option is selected, it provides a concentrated wash

on the back of the Back of


lower dish rack for hard-to-clean dishes. Place these dishes with the soiled surface of the dish toward the

TURBOZONE TM spray nozzles in the lower rack of the dishwasher.

complete, the dispenser was blocked.

Drying -Rinse Aid is essential,

add a dish.

To start and resume a cycle, press START/ RESUME and close the door within

3 seconds. If the door is not closed within


You must use a drying agent such as a rinse aid for good drying performance

(sample included). Rinse aid along with the Smart Dry option will provide best drying and avoid excessive moisture in the dishwasher interior.


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3 seconds, the start button LED will flash, an audible tone will be heard, and the cycle will not start.

IMPORTANT: If anyone opens the door (such as, adding a dish, even during the Delay Hours option), the START/RESUME button must be pressed each time and the door closed within 3 seconds to resume the cycle.




High Efficiency dishwashers run longer to save water and energy just like driving a car slower saves on gas. When you need fast results, the 1 Hour Wash will clean your dishes using slightly more water and energy. For improved drying, select the Smart Dry option to add additional time to dry.

It is possible to use too much detergent in your dishwasher. [_} 1WashHour J This can lead to etching of your dishes. See "Detergent

and Rinse Aid" to determine the amount of detergent needed based on your water hardness.

Image 7
Contents Model/Modelo/Modle English / Espafiol / FranaisProtection Table of ContentsAgreements Disclaimer of implied warranties limitation of remedies Ienmore Elitelimited WarrantyDishwasher Safety For a grounded, cord-connected dishwasher Grounding InstructionsTube Parts and FeaturesDrying -Rinse Aid is essential Add a dish START-UP /QUICK Reference Varies by ModelPerformance ONE loading onVery Hard Water Ultra Wash HE Filtration SystemFilter Reinstallation Instructions Cleaning InstructionsDishwasher Efficiency Tips Filling the dispenser Detergent and Rinse AIDPlace cups and glasses in the rows beeen tines LoadingUse Turbozone TM on some models option with Check that all spray arms spin freely before every cycleFlexible Tines Utensil Basket on some modelsRemovable Top Rack To remove the rackBack of dish washer Fold,Down Tines on some modelsSplittable Silverware Basket Knife Holder on some modelsTime* mins Dishwasher USEOptions Gallons Options Turbozonetm option On some modelsAdded time to cycle Typical Max AddedCa ceI a Cyce Dishwasher Safe? Comments Washing Special ItemsYes To clean the drain air gap Cleaning the exteriorDishwasher Care Check These Points to Help Save YOU Time and Money TroubleshootingStoring for the summer Storing for the winter Dishwasher does not RUNDishwasher Interior or Glassware Water Remains TUB/WILL not Drain Hard WaterNoisy Water Solution ProblemOverfilling Leaking Water TUB is DiscoloredTomato-basedfoods can discolor the tub or dishware Contratos maestros de protecci6n JndiceContratos DE Proteccion Servicio de Instalaci6n de SearsGarantja Limitada Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demos es muy importante Seguridad DE LA LavavajillasPara lavavajillas con conexion permanente Para una lavavajillas con cable elctrico y conexion a tierraPiezas Y Caracteristicas CIclo SmartWash Proporcionan un rendimiento 6ptimoSecado el agente de enjuague es fundamental Necesita resultados rpidosPresione START/RESUME Inicio/Reanudarcada Sistema DE Filtracion Ultra Wash HEIntervalos recomendados para la limpieza del filtro Instrucciones para reinstalar los filtros Instrucciones para quitar los filtrosImportante Consejos Para LA Eficiencia DE LA LavavajillasDetergente Y Agente DE Enjuague Polvos y gelesAcumula calcio en la vajilla manchas de agua, tal vez Para regular el ajusteLlenado del dep6sito Ajuste de nivel del agente de enjuagueUse la opci6n de Turbozonem en algunos Como CargarCanasta para utensilies en algunes mecleles Rociadores glren libremente PuntasColoclue las tazas ¥ vasos en las hileras entre las Recomendaciones para cargarCanasta de lujo ajustable en 2 posiciones Para volver a colocar la canasta Para quitar la canastaParte posterior de la lavavajillas Portacuchillos en algunos modelos Canastilla separable de los cubiertosCarga de cubiertos Tiempo min USO DE LA LavavajillasSin opciones Tiempo Adicional Hour Wash Lavado de 1 horaEco Ecol6gico Opci6n Turbozone TM en algunos ModelosR6pido Smart Dry Secado inteligente paraIcono de ajustes Delay Hours Horas de retraso en algunos modelosC6mo seleccionar los ciclos V las opciones Jcono de informaci6nLavavajillas? Como Lavar ARTiCULOS EspecialesPara limpiar el Interior LimpiezaExterna Limpieza Del interiorAlmacenaje Durante El invierno Solucion DE ProblemasPara lirnpiar la purga de aire del desagiJe Almacenaje Durante El veranoSolucion CristalerjaProblema Corrosion Turbidez Problema Solucion No HA HigienizadoVajilla Turbia O CON Manchas Y SolucionContrats principaux de protection Service dinstallation SearsTable DES Matieres Contrats DE ProtectionGarantie Limitee Ienmore Elite Si vous ne suivez pas les instructions Risque possible de ddcbs ou de blessure grave siVous ne suivez pas immddiatement les instructions Risque possible de ddcbs ou de blessure graveINSTRUCTiONS DE Mise a LA Terre Pieces ET Caracteristiques Lllli 0po oo$echage L emplol d une aide de rmage est essentiel Important Ne pas obstruer le distributeur cle DtergentLavage en 1 heure- Pour des rsultats rapides Sur certain modulesSystime DE Filtration Ultra Wash HE Eau trs dure Detergent ET Agent DE RIN AGE Instructions de rinstallation du filtreQuantit de dtergent recommande Conseils Defficacite Pour LE LAVE-VAISSELLERernplissage du distributeur Chargement Disposition pour 10 couverfs Disposition pour 12 couverts Pour enlever le panier Turbozone TM Tiges rabattables sur certains modulesChargement des couverts Utilisation DU LAVE-VAISSELLE 11,2 41C & 120F 49C et SaniRinserinage sanitaireCasseroles et Poles Lavage normal Disponible pour tous les Rinage rapide5ec@ o module de c Jxsde du cve,,ve sse e Lavage Darticlesspeciaux Vaisselle? PlastiquesOui OuiSiphon Entretien DU LAVE-VAISSELLENettoyage de lextrieur Nettoyage du dispositif de briseRemisage Pour It DepannageRemisage Pour Ihiver CUVE/PAS DE Vidange IL Reste DE Leau Dans LADommages a LA Remarques Page Sears