10.To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.

MSearch Condition

-Report Type

Card Holder Report: Displays the basic information about the card holders.

Card Holder Report (Detail): Displays the detailed information about the card holders.

-Employee ID: Provide the [Employee ID].

-Card number: Provide the card number.

-Name: Use this if you search for an employee.

If you want to search for an employee, click Search Employee to display the employee list where you can select multiple employees.

-Sort Type: You can sort and display the devices in a desired sequence. Select one from Employee ID, Name, Company, and Department.

-Sort Order: Select Ascending or Descending for the sort type above.

-Conversion: Click [Conversion] in the Preview Report tool bar to export the report in formats of .txt, .pdf, and .tif.


1.From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Accessible Person List by Door].

2.Click [Door Search] in [Door List] to search for a desired door.

3.Click Preview Report <> in the upper tool bar. The report meeting the search criteria will be displayed as shown.


English _203