access control
9.If you want to register a photo, click [Open...] to register the photo. If you have a webcam installed with your PC, click [Capture Photo] to capture your photo for registration.
J You can use bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png and wmf files. Since too big image file may cause delay in registration and display in monitoring screen, it is recommended to use smaller image file. It is recommended to use image files in jpg format. It is recommended to use image files of less than 100KB.
10.Move to the [Access Card Information] tab.
11.Check [Whether to use the Card]. Check this option to recall the access privilege of the card holder if the user does not use his/her card any more because of a return of the card.
12.Select a [Card Type]. [Card Type] includes [Access Card], [Parking Card] and [Other Card]. This is an option to identify cards with each other if multiple cards are issued to one user.
13.Type in the [Card Number].
J | You can enter the PIN number instead of the card number for the |
| For the |
| For |
14.Enter the [Password]. Type in the password in 4 digits.
15.Select a [Card Mode].