This report shows the status of all the devices registered with SAMS BASIC, which can be saved in your local PC in a desired format using the conversion function.
1.From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Device Setting Report].
2.Select a [Device Type] in the Search Condition.
3.Select a [Product Type] in the Search Condition.
4.Select an output device and a biometric recognition reader in the [Device List].
5.Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order.
6.Select a [Sort Order] in the Sort Type and Order.
7.Click Preview <> in the upper tool bar. The report meeting the search criteria will be displayed as shown.
8.To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar.
9.To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preveiw tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.