6.Provide a time duration in the [Allowed minimum Overtime].

7.Provide a time duration in the [Allowed maximum Overtime].


Used to calculate the overtime hours consequent to the early attendance.


The [Allowed Minimum Work] means the least time of work that is required to get your overtime admitted. Your


overtime work can be admitted only if you work over the specified [Allowed Minimum Work].


The [Allowed Minimum Overtime] means the least time of work that can be admitted as overtime. Your overtime


work can be admitted only if you work over the [Allowed Minimum Overtime].


The [Allowed Maximum Overtime] means the maximum time of work that is admitted as overtime. Even if you work


over the [Allowed Maximum Overtime], your overtime is limited to the time specified in [Allowed Maximum Overtime].

8.Move to the [Overtime(Late Out)] tab.

9.Provide a time duration in the [Allowed minimum work].

10.Provide a time duration in the [Allowed minimum Overtime].

11.Provide a time duration in the [Allowed maximum Overtime].

12.Provide a time duration for the accumulation time settings (from [Overtime 1] to [Overtime 5]) as necessary.

JAccumulation Time: Applies different accumulation levels to the work hours exceeding the normal work hours.

13.Click Save <> in the tool bar.


English _161