Card Mode





Uses the issued card to access the door.




In Two Men Authentication mode, the administrator should be authenticated with two cards including the visitor

card before entering the door.



In Two Men Authentication mode, the visitor should be authenticated with two cards including the admin card

before entering the door.



If using the Arm/Disarm feature, you can set or release the arm using the Arm/Disarm code.



Special ID (P40x(T))

This is a special-purpose ID that can control the opening and closing times of the door. This is available only in

SSA P40x(T) where you must select the special ID reader point in the [Reader Point Setting] if you want to adjust


the output items for that ID.



16.Select a [Output Level(SSA-S30xx, SSA-S21xx) Only]. This option is available in SSA-S30XX and SSA- S21xx, which you can specify if necessary. You can use this function to divide the door opening time in 4 levels for authenticated access. This function complies with the operation time specified in [System Management] > [Reader Point Setting].

17.Check [Valid Date] if you want to use the validity time option.

18.Enter the [Valid Start Date] and the [Valid End Date], respectively.

19.If you have lost the card, check [Lost] and provide the date when you lost the card.

20.Provide the [Issue Date] and [Return Date] if you want to record the issue and return dates.

21.Select an [Access Group]. Access will be allowed for the doors belonging to the selected access group. And the access time will be limited according to the time schedule applicable to the door.

22.Click [Issue] on the bottom of the screen.

23.Move to the [Detail Information] tab. This is an optional item that can be specified if necessary.

24.Provide information for necessary items in the [Detail Information] tab.

25.Move to the [Biometrics Management] tab.


English _153