M Search Condition
-Device Type: Select Controller or Biometric Reader.
-Product Type
•If you select Controller in the Device Type: You can select one from Controller, Door, Input, and Output in the active group box.
•If you select Biometric Reader in the Device Type: The Product Type can be specified only for the controller so the group box will be grayed out in this case.
-Device List
•If you select Controller in the Device Type: You can select one from Controller, Door, Input, and Output in the tree structure.
•If you select Biometric Reader in the Device Type: The registered biometrci reader will be shown.
Sort Type and Order
-You can sort and display the devices in a desired sequence.
-Sort Type: Specify the display order of data in the report.
•If you select Controller in the Device Type and select Controller in the Product Type: Select one from Controller, Site, Loop, or Whether to use.
•If you select Biometric Reader in the Device Type: Select one from Controller, Site, Loop, or Whether to use.
•If you select Controller in the Device Type and select Door in the Product Type: Select one from Door, Building, and Floor.
•If you select Controller in the Device Type and select Reader in the Product Type: Select Reader Address or Reader.
•If you select Controller in the Device Type and select Input in the Product Type: Select one from Input Address, Input, Whether to use, Input Type, Building, and Floor.
•If you select Controller in the Device Type and select Output in the Product Type: Select one from Output Address, Output, Whether to use, Output Type, Building, and Floor.
-Sort Order: Select Ascending or Descending for the sort type above.
-Conversion: Click [Conversion] in the Preview Report tool bar to export the report in formats of .txt, .pdf, and .tif.
1.From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Holiday Setting Report].
2.Provide a name in the [Holiday Management] item of Search Condition.
3.Provide a name in the [Holiday] item of Search Condition.
4.Specify a period in [Date].
5.Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order.