9.Select the [Device Address]. Each controller has its own address for communication. Within the same loop, devices must have different address. Devices in different loops may have the same address.

JSetting the communication address differs from product to product. For setting the device’s communication address, refer to the product documentation for further details. Note that communication addresses configured in SAMS Basic and corresponding device must match for proper communication between them.

10.Enter the [Device]. Make sure to name a device not to duplicate already existing device name even for devices in different loops.

11.Check [Whether to use]. If unchecked, the selected device will not be activated.

12.Set the [Card Memory].

JCard memory field will be activated or deactivated according to the device type. When this option is enabled, you can set the card memory for registering to the device and its transaction memory will be automatically defined according to the configured card memory.

-Card Memory: Number of registered IDs

-Transaction Memory: Number of contained events

13.Move to the [Operation Mode] tab.

JItems in the Operation Mode tab are enabled or disabled depending on whether the corresponding function is supported by the device. These optional items require configurations only when necessary.


English _79