
9.Click the [Export] tab.

10.Select a [Type].

11.Select a [DSN].

12.Provide the [ID].

13.Enter the [Password].

14.Click [Connect].

15.Select a table in the [Table] item where the exported data from the [Target Database] will be saved.

16.When the column mapping is completed, click [Complete Mapping].

17.Check the preview and click [Export] if you want to export the previewed data.

M- Type: Select an export type from Database, Excel, and Text.

-DSN: Select a DSN from the list where the target database is defined. You can also specify the DSN using the data source (ODBC) setting in Control Panel > Administrative Tools.

-ID: Provide the user ID required to log in to the database.

-Password: Provide the password required to log in to the database.

-Source Database: Displays information about the current server.

-Target Database: Displays information about the server to export your selection.

-Each Data Column Mapping, and Preview Displays the mapping information.

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