When the green LED (labeled “4”) is lit, it indicates that the 3C319 NIC is set to 4 Mbps speed and is correctly inserted into the token ring network.
When the yellow LED (labeled “16”) is lit, it indicates that the 3C319 NIC is set to 16 Mbps and is correctly inserted into the token ring network.
Using the Configuration and Diagnostic Program
You can run the Configuration and Diagnostic Program on TokenDisk diskette #1 to test the setup or configuration and test for physical board problems.
The diagnostic program tests the 3C319 NIC, not the network. Boot from DOS before running the diagnostic program. Connect the 3C319 NIC to the network for all diagnostic tests.
The Configuration and Diagnostic Program is a DOS application that does not function properly if the 3C319 NIC drivers are already installed. The program also indicates memory conflicts if you run it with a memory manager without excluding the memory range used by the 3C319 NIC. You must bypass the drivers and the memory manager before you run the diagnostic program. Use a DOS diskette if you are running DOS 5.0 or earlier.
If you are running Windows NT, boot from the DOS partition or boot from a DOS diskette to run the diagnostic program. If you use Windows 95 or Windows for Workgroups, exit Windows and restart the PC in
Diagnostic Test Types
There are two groups of Configuration and Diagnostic Program tests.
A lobe cable must be connected from the 3C319 NIC to a retiming concentrator or MAU for all Group 1 tests. A lobe cable is the section of cable that attaches a ring station or network device to a MAU or wiring hub.