Hardware Installation
2−69CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualEXAMPLE OF SATURN TALL Y SYSTEMThe following diagram shows an example of a Saturn Tally system. For detailed information, refer to “Saturn Tally” in theSaturn Installation and Operating Manual.

Figure 2−82. Saturn Tally system.

MPK bus
MI 3040
General Purpose/
Tally Interface
+5 V utility
connection Ground utility
Video and audio
Control lines
Tally light
One connection per tally light.
100 V, 300 mA max.
Serial data cable (see page 2−63)
AVP 3500 or DVP 3500
video processor
All sources must be connected
directly to internal matrix.

When used as a connection point

for an MPK bus, the Saturn video

processor must be entered on the

Serial Protocol table (page 5−30).

40 relays. Wiring order is de-
termined automatically. See
Saturn Installation and Oper-
ating manual.