Configurator Machine Control Table
5−148 CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
START/STOP MACHINE CONTROL USING EXPANSION PANELSThe CP 3010 expansion panel and the CP 3810 expansion panel can be used as a limited−function machine control panels,
providing Start and Stop commands for VTRs.
When the CP 3010 is used as an expansion panel for a CP 3000 control panel, Start/Stop machine control is provided by the
and > buttons. When the CP 3810 is used as an expansion panel, Start/Stop machine control is provided by the PLAY/
STOP buttons. In both cases, machine control will require the following:
— The switcher level that is checked as the “MC” level on the Switcher Description table (page 5−35) must be the
same as the first level shown in the CP Level set (page 5−58) that is assigned to the CP 3000 (or to the main
panel paired with the CP 3810) on the MPK Devices table (page 5−107). For example, the Video level would be
checked as the “MC” level, “Video” would appear as the first level in the CP Level set, and this CP Level Set
would be assigned to the main panel on the MPK Devices table;
— The machine control buttons on the expansion panel must be assigned to the desired VTR by a process similar
to that described beginning on page 5−141.
VGA / MC 3000 STATUS DISPLAY TABLE ENTRIESUse of control panels with the VGA Status Display requires entries to the MPK Devices table, as described on page 5−114.
For an MC 3000 to display time code it would have to be linked to the machine exactly as any other MC 3000. This would
require the following:
•Use of an “optional entry”on the Machine Control table, such as that shown in Figure 5−127. The Associated
Name could be the name of the switcher output connected to a nearby monitor.
•The switcher control panel would be used to switch video from the machine to the Associated output (the
nearby monitor, in this example). This would establish the link. Full status from the machine, including time
code, would then appear in the MC 3000 display window.
Machine Control
Device Name Device Type Delegation In/Out Associated
VMC VMC−3000 Out VGMon
Group Name
Optional entry
Figure 5−127.
SATURN MASTER CONTROL SWITCHERSaturn machine control configuration instructions are described in the Saturn Installation and Operating manual.